luni, 8 aprilie 2013

Poulet aux paprika

Nu ca nu as fi putut sa traduc numele retetei asteia, dar mi s-a parut ca suna mai bine asa, cum i-a zis mama ei prima oara. Indiferent cum i-am spune insa, este o reteta plina de savoare si destul de satioasa. O putem servi cu orez simplu, paste, am ales ultima varianta,sa ii aduc si o nota romaneasca, prea se dadea mare cu franceza ei.;)

This is a tasty recipe, full of flavors, that we can serve also with pasta, rice...I've chosen polenta, and I can't say that I regret it..:))

Punem o lingura de unt pe foc si adaugam bucatile de pui sarate si piperate(eu am pus un piept de pui). Intre timp taiem o ceapa mai mica si un catel de usturoi felii si jumatate de ardei rosu mai mare in fasii. Scoatem puiul cand e rumen si punem in locul lui ceapa si ardeiul. Adaugam boia dulce dupa gust(cam o lingurita).
We melt a tablespoon of butter and add the salted chicken (I used a chicken breast). Meanwhile, we slice a small onion and a clove of garlic, and half of a bell pepper. When the chicken is ready, we remove it from the pan and add the onion and the pepper. We add about a teaspoon of sweet paprika.

 Reducem focul, adaugam usturoiul si stingem cu ½ cana de vin alb sec. Amestecam putin si adaugam si puiul si vreo 2 rosii mici sau una mai mare taiate cubulete. Adaugam si o frunza de dafin si lasam 30 de minute pe foc pana se patrunde carnea bine si sosul scade.

We reduce the heat, add the garlic and ½ of a cup of white dry wine. We stir a little and add the chicken and 2 small tomatoes cut into cubes. We add a bay leaf and let simmer for about 30 minutes until the meat is done and the sauce is reduced.

Scoatem iar puiul si dam focul mai mare. Lasam sa mai fiarba vreo 5 minute,apoi adaugam 200 grame de smantana,amestecam si punem puiul la loc. Mai lasam un minut si oprim focul. Noi am servit cu mamaliguta.Super gustos !

We take away the chicken again and increase the heat. We let boil like that for another 5 minutes and then add 200 grams of heavy cream, we stir and add the chicken. We let for another minute and take away from fire. We served with polenta. Very tasty!


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