sâmbătă, 27 aprilie 2013

Pizza cu spanac si mozzarella/Spinach and mozzarella pizza

Mi-am dat seama ca nu am postat retete de pizza inca,desi fac..nu pot sa spun ca foarte des,de cand am descoperit o mega pizzerie de neegalat:)), dar cu regularitate. Astazi va propun o reteta gustoasa, cu spanac si mozzarella, sa zicem ca un piiic mai sanatoasa decat altele..:))
Sincer,data viitoare as adauga si niste feta,sa o faca mai sarata,ca mie imi place mai sarat(da,stiu,nu e bine..dar e mai gustos:D ) dar in rest nu am ce sa ii reprosez!:) Pofta buna sa aveti!

Today I'm posting this spinach mozzarella pizza recipe, because I realized that even though we eat home made pizza frequently, I didn't get to post any recipes yet. It's...let's say..a healthier version..thanks to the spinach..:)..so we can eat it without remorse. I would add some feta cheese next time though, because I like it saltier..:)

-500 grame faina
-1 cub drojdie(42 gr)
-1 lingurita zahar
-4 linguri ulei masline
-200 grame spanac fiert in apa cu sare 3 minute
-50 grame masline(optional)
-200-300 grame mozzarella
-2 catei usturoi
-1 conserva rosii decojite(400 grame)
-1 lingurita oregano uscat
-500 grams flour
-1 cube fresh yeast (42 grams)
-1 teaspoon sugar
-4 tablespoon olive oil
-200 grams spinach, boiled in salty water for 3 minutes
-50 grams olives (optional)
- 200-300 grams mozzarella
-2 cloves garlic
-1 can peeled tomatoes (400 grams)
-1 teaspoon dry oregano

Asezam faina intr-un castron si facem o gropita in mijloc. Frecam drojdia cu o lingurita de zahar si o dizolvam in 100  ml apa calduta. Turnam amestecul in gropita, lasam sa dospeasca 15 minute acoperit. Apoi adaugam uleiul de masline, 100 ml apa calduta si un praf de sare,amestecam si framantam un aluat pe care il acoperim si il lasam sa creasca la caldura 45 de minute.
We sift the flour in a large bowl and make a hole in the middle. We mix the yeast with a teaspoon of sugar and 100 ml warm milk. We pour the mixture into the hole and let rise for 15 minutes covered.  We then add the olive oil, 100 ml warm milk and a pinch of salt, we mix and knead a dough that we cover and let rise for 45 minutes.

Tocam spanacul. Taiem maslinele felii, mozzarella la fel. Amestecam rosiile cu usturoiul tocat , oregano, sare si piper.
We cut the spinach, the olives and the mozzarella. We mix the tomatoes with the minced garlic, oregano, salt and pepper.

Incingem cuptorul la 200C. Ungem o tava. Mai framantam o data aluatul si intindem o foaie pe care o asezam pe tava. Ungem cu sos de rosii si repartizam spanacul,mozzarella si maslinele. Coacem 30 de minute.
We heat the oven to 200 C. We oil a pan. We knead again and we stretch it in the pan. We add the tomato sauce and, the spinach, mozzarella and olives. We bake for 30 minutes.