vineri, 19 aprilie 2013

Retete de la cititori/Recipes that you tried

Ta-daa! Prima poza cu o reteta incercata de cititori vine de la Ramona,care a incercat checul delicios al lui Bubu!Bravo,Ramona,felicitari,si mai asteptam si alte poze!:)(cozonac,poate?:D)

First picture comes from Ramona, one of this blog's readers, who tried Bubu's cake ,and sent us a picture! Congrats,Ramona,I'm waiting for your next picture!:)

Si a doua reteta vine de la Rodica, cu acelasi chec bun-bun reteta Bubu.:) Felicitari si Rodicai mai multe!:)
The second recipe comes from Rodica, with the same cake! Congratulations and because I know you cook often,I'm waiting for the next ones!:)

Supa porra/Porra soup

Porra este o supa rece, mai groasa decat gaspacho, de origine spaniola. Este foaarte gustoasa, usor de facut,sanatoasa si poate fi adaptata si pentru cei ce tin post. Sa mai zic?:) A avut un succes rasunator la noi in casa, zile bune dupa ce se terminase ma mai intrebau baietii daca mai avem..:) Din cantitatea de ingrediente folosita de mine nu ies decat vreo 3 portii,asa ca daca vreti sa mancati mai mult,dublati! Pofta buna va doresc!

Porra soup is a Spanish cold soup, thicker than gaspacho.It's healthy and easy to make,as most of the recipes you cand find here.:) My boys loved it, they kept asking me about it days after it was over..:)) If you follow the exact recipe you will get about 3 portions,so if you want more,just double the quantity!


-2 rosii proaspete
-6 rosii uscate
-3 catei usturoi
-1 felie paine alba
-boia dulce, sare
-1/2 lamaie
-1 oua tare
-o cutie ton in suc natural

Ingredients :

-2 fresh tomatoes
-6 dry tomatoes
-3 cloves garlic
-1 slice white bread
-sweet paprika, salt
-1/2 lemon
-1 hardboiled egg
-a can tuna in its natural juice

Pentru a decoji rosiile- fierbem apa intr-un bol si scufundam rosiile crestate in cruce pentru 30 de secunde. Le scoatem, pe trecem prin jet de apa rece,le curatam pielita.  Apoi le taiem cubulete.
Punem la blender rosiile proaspete, pe cele uscate, usturoiul, uleiul de masline, painea(fara coaja). Amestecam tot. Adaugam condimentele dupa gust. Presam jumatatea de lamaie si adaugam si zeama .Mixam iar.
To unpeel the fresh tomatoes we boil some water and dip the tomatoes that we cut in cross for 30 seconds. We remove them from the boiling water, we pour some cold water over and then unpeel them easily. We dice them.
We put the fresh tomatoes, the dry tomatoes, the garlic, the olive oil, the slice of bread (no crust) in the blender. We mix. We add the spices, then the lemon juice. We blend well.
Pastram o ora la rece. Oul il zdrobim cu furculita si presaram deasupra in momentul servirii. Adaugam si putin ton din conserva. Un deliciu !
We keep in the fridge for an hour. We crush the egg with the fork and sprinkle some in the moment of serving. We also add some tuna from the can. Delicious!