marți, 26 martie 2013


Cred ca e una dintre cele mai simple retete de baclavale, cu siguranta exista si unele mai deosebite, dar e foarte buna la gust si nu iti trebuie indemanare mai deloc. Doar putina rabdare sa ungi fiecare foaie cu margarina. Pana acum am facut doar cu nuca, dar cu siguranta o sa fac si cu fistic intr-un viitor mai mult sau mai putin apropiat. Ele sunt foaarte bune, mititelele, insa si destul de calorice, asa ca incerc sa fac mai rarut, sa ne tin departe de kilograme in plus. Restul dulciurilor ce ne traverseaza bucataria si stomacul in fiecare zi nu se pun. Doar pe astea mi s-a casunat.:))

This dessert is a subject of discussion between the Turkish and the Greek kitchen, each one claiming it, and with a good reason.:) It is pretty delicious and very easy to make, and there are many variations of the recipe according to the country. A noticeable version isalso  the pistachios one, which I will try in the future,so stay tuned!:)



-1 pachet(500 grame) foi pentru placinta
-150 grame margarina topita
-300 grame nuci macinate
-2 linguri scortisoara

Ingredients :

-1 package(500 grams) phyllo dough
-150 grams melted margarine
-300 grams crushed nuts
-2 tablespoons cinnamon

Sirop :

-150 ml miere
-200 grame zahar
-200 ml apa
-esenta rom,vanilie
-apa de portocal(optional)

Syrup :

-150 ml honey
-200 grams sugar
-200 ml water
-essence of rum, vanilla
-orange flower  water(optional)
Procedeul e cat se poate de simplu : taiem foile de placinta la dimensiunea tavii pe care urmeaza sa o folosim. Le impartim in 3 si asezam primele foi ungand cu grija fiecare foaie cu margarina topita. Dupa ce am pus primul rand de foi punem jumatate din compozitia de nuci tocate amestecate cu scortisoara. Apoi adaugam al doilea rand de foi, ungand de fiecare data cu margarina topita, apoi a doua jumatate din amestecul nuca-scortisoara,si in final ultimele foi(evident,unse individual cu margarina topita). Dam un pic la rece(minim 10 minute) si taiem in forma in care ne dorim sa avem baclavalele(eu am taiat romburi, dar puteti taia patrate,dreptunghiuri…) Bagam tava la cuptorul incins la 180C pentru 30 de minute,pana ce foile sunt rumene. Inainte cu 5-10 minute sa scoatem baclavalele de la cuptor ne apucam de sirop : punem la fiert apa si zaharul,iar cand incep sa fiarba dam focul la mic si adaugam mierea. Lasam pana ce incepe sa fiarba din nou,apoi luam de pe foc si adaugam aromele preferate.Eu am pus si apa de portocal pentru ca nu imi place,si cum sunt vesnic la cura am zis ca m-ar ajuta in proces. Guess what ? Mi s-au parut delicioase chiar si asa..Ghinion.. J
Turnam siropul fierbinte peste baclavalele scoase din cuptor, acoperim cu o folie de aluminiu si dam la rece cateva ore,pana se insiropeaza bine de tot. Le servim reci, eventual cu nuca macinata presarata deasupra.

The procedure is pretty simple,actually : we cut the phyllo dough to fit pan. We split the sheets in 3 and start putting the first round taking care to carefully spread melted margarine over each one of them. After the first round of sheets, we put half of the nuts-cinnamon mixture over, and then continue with the next set of sheets (repeating the procedure after each sheet of dough). After the second set of sheets is done too, we spread the other half of the mixture over and use the melted margarine over the last set of sheets. We put the pan into the fridge for at least 10 minutes and cut into the desires shapes. I made diamonds, but you can make squares or rectangles if you like. We put in the oven heated at 180C for 30 minutes, until the baklava is golden and crisp. 5 or 10 minutes before the baklava is done, we make the syrup: we bring the water and the sugar to boil, reduce the heat and add the honey. When the syrup stars bubbling again, we turn the heat off and add the essence.
We pour the hot syrup over the baklava, cover with an aluminum foil and let cool for several hours.