sâmbătă, 3 noiembrie 2012


Eu am ales sa fac musaca cu pui de data asta,am vrut sa fie o mancarica mai usoara,mai ales ca nu am facut nici foarte multa,doar trei portii.Insa de obicei fac din amestec de porc si vita(sau doar porc) si dublez cantitatile.Asa ca puteti alege carnea preferata si sa dublati lista ingredientelor daca vreti sa va ajunga macar 2 zile.:)

This time I chose to use chicken meat, because I wanted it to be lighter, especially that I only cooked 3 portions. But I usually use porc and beef (or pork only) and double the quantities. So you can choose your favourite meat and double the list of ingredients if you want to have food for at least 2 days.:)

-500 gr carne tocata pui
-1/4 legatura verdeata-patrunjel,marar
-2 oua
-5 cartofi medii spalati,curatati si taiati felii
-ulei-50 ml
-bulion- o lingura
-sare,piper-dupa gust

Ingredients :
-500 gr minced chicken meat
-1/4 bunch parsley or dill
- 2 eggs
-5 medium potatoes washed, peeled and sliced
-oil-50 ml
-tomato puree-1 tablespoon
-salt, pepper-to taste
Incingem bine un sfert de pahar de ulei si adaugam carnea tocata. Amestecam incet si din cand in cand adaugam cate jumatate de pahar de apa.
We heat a quarter cup of oil and add the minced meat. We stir slowly and from time to time we add half a glass of water.

Dupa aproximativ 20 de minute (la porc dureaza mai mult) cand carnea e gata adaugam bulionul dizolvat in  putina apa si lasam putin sa fiarba,apoi adaugam sare,piper dupa gust si verdeata tocata marunt.
After approx. 2o minutes (it takes longer for the pork) when the meat is done we add the tomato puree dissolved in water and we let it boil just a little bit and then add salt, pepper and the chopped parsley(or dill).

Amestecam bine si dam deoparte sa se raceasca. Intr-un castron batem bine cele 2 oua cu putina sare.
Pregatim cartofii si ii tinem in apa rece.Eu,pentru ca am facut portii individuale,am ales niste cartofi mai mici,insa la o cratita normala sunt de preferat cartofi medii taiati pe lungime.E mai usor de lucrat asa plus ca se vad mai frumos la final,iar mancarea are un aer mai compact.
Am luat apoi formele(ca daca nu luam cratita J ) si am uns cu putin ulei fiecare forma. Adaugam un strat de cartofi, un strat de carne,apoi luam cu lingura ou si punem peste.Repetam operatiunea cu inca un strat de cartofi,apoi carne,apoi iar ou. Terminam cu un strat de cartofi « stropit » din abundenta cu ou. Daca va place mai sarat,puteti adauga putina sare pe cartofi,dupa fiecare strat. Eu i-am lasat asa,pentru ca amestecul de carne era tocmai bun.Deasemenea,cartofii se pot si praji in prealabil,insa eu prefer sa ii pun asa,e mai sanatos si la fel de gustos.
We stir and then set aside to cool. In a bowl we beat the eggs with a touch of salt.
We prepare the potatoes which we keep in cold water. Because I used individual portions I have chosen my potatoes to be little but for a normal pan it is better to use medium potatoes cut in length. It’s easier to work this way and prettier in the end, plus the food looks more compact.
I then took the little pans (otherwise I would have taken the big one  J ) and oiled each one a bit. We add a layer of potatoes, a layer of meat, then we use the spoon to add some beaten egg. We repeat the operation with another layer of potatoes, then meat, then egg again. We finish with a layer of potatoes covered with beaten eggs. If you like it saltier you could a touch of salt on each layer of potatoes. I let them just as they were because the mix of meat was just fine. Also, the potatoes can be fried, but I prefer to use them like that, it’s healthier and just as tasty.

Bagam cratita la cuptorul incalzit la temperatura medie pana se rumeneste ultimul strat de cartofi si cartofii sunt usor de strapuns cu o furculita. Pofta buna va doresc !
We introduce the pan in the heated oven at medium temperature until the last layer of potatoes is brown and the potatoes can easily be pierced with a fork. Enjoy!