marți, 19 februarie 2013


Pentru ca am in casa mari amatori de cheesecake,am tot incercat retete de-a lungul timpului,si pana acum asta e declarata castigatoare.:) Va servesc asadar cu o felie pe care o puteti manca simpla sau cu un piure de zmeura, asa, ca noi!

Because there are huge fans of cheesecake in our family, I tried, over the years,many recipes, and so far this is the winner of them all.:) I invite you to a slice of cheesecake which you can serve simple or with raspberry puree,like us!

Pentru blat :
-250 grame biscuiti faramitati
-125 grame unt topit(eu folosesc putin mai mult de obicei)

For the crust :
-250 grams(8,81 oz) crushed biscuits
-125 grams(4,40 oz) melted butter(I usually use more than that)

Pentru compozitie :
-500 grame branza dulce
-150 grame zahar
-2 linguri faina
-3 oua
-250 ml smantana dulce
-aroma la alegere :1 lingurita esenta vanilie sau portocala, razatura de lamaie..

For the filling :
-500 grams(17,63 oz) cottage cheese
-150 grams(5,3 oz) sugar
-2 tablespoons flour
-3 eggs
-250ml(8,45 ounce) crème fraiche
-a flavor that you like: lemon zest, vanilla extract…
Incalzim cuptorul la 180C. Amestecam biscuitii faramitati cu untul topit si racit si tapam fundul unei tavi de tort cu hartie de copt,apoi punem blatul de biscuiti. Apasam cu o lingura pentru a uniformiza bine.Punem la frigider.
We heat the oven at 180C(350F).We pour the  cooled melted butter over the biscuits and mix. We press onto bottom of a springform pan. We press with a tablespoon to level. We put into fridge.

Batem cu telul branza dulce pana devine neteda,apoi adaugam zaharul si faina,si ouale unul cate unul,amestecand dupa fiecare. Adaugam smantana dulce si aroma preferata.Amestecam si adaugam peste blat. Introducem la cuptor 50-55 minute,pana ce devine ferm la atingere. Lasam sa se raceasca.

We whisk the cottage cheese until becomes smooth then add the sugar and the flour and the eggs one by one, whisking well after each one. We add the crème fraiche and our favorite flavor. We mix and add over the crust. We put in heated oven for 50-55 minutes until it feels firm when touched. We let cool.