sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2013

Tortilla con patatas

Am mancat acum ceva timp pentru prima oara si mi-a placut mult,asa ca am cautat reteta si am gasit-o la Edith ,asa ca m-am pus imediat pe treaba. Va invit si pe voi sa o incercati,e foarte gustoasa si usor de facut!

I ate this a while ago for the first time and I liked it a lot,so I searched it and found it at Edith 's, and I tried it immediately. i invite you to try it too, it's very tasty and easy to make!


2 cartofi medii
3 oua
o ceapa
1 catel de usturoi

sare, ulei

Ingredients :
2 medium potatoes
3 eggs
1 onion
1 garlic clove
salt, pepper
Dupa ce curatam cartofii,ii taiem cubulete mici. Ceapa si usturoiul le tocam fin si le punem la calit in mult ulei.Dupa ce se calesc ceapa si usturoiul adaugam cartofii si amestecam din cand in cand. Cartofii nu trebuie sa se prajeasca,doar sa se rumeneasca.
After peeling the potatoes, we cut them into small cubes. We chop the onion and the garlic and put fry them in a large amount of oil. After they are ready we add the potatoes and stir from time to time. The potatoes must not be cooked, but slightly brown.

Intre timp, batem ouale intr-un castron incapator.  Dupa ce sunt gata cartofii,scurgem uleiul din ei si ii adaugam peste oua. Amestecam. Ungem tigaia cu putin ulei, il incingem,si apoi turnam amestecul. Lasam la foc mic. Dupa ce e gata intr-o parte, luam de pe foc,punem o farfurie intinsa peste, rasturnam, apoi asezam tortilla la loc in tigaie pe partea neprajita inca. Dupa ce e gata, luam de pe foc si servim simpla(sau cu cascaval deasupra). Bun-bun !
Meanwhile, we beat the eggs in a large bowl. After the potatoes are ready, we drain the oil and add them to eggs. We stir. We oil the pan, heat it, and then pour the mix.  We reduce the heat. After one side is done, we take off the heat, we place a large plate on it, we overturn it, and then place it on the pan on the raw side. When it’s ready, we take off the heat and serve it simple (or with grated cheese on it). Yummy!