miercuri, 24 aprilie 2013

Briose Panettone/Panettone muffins

Nu,nu e reteta "aceea" de panettone,cea originala,la care muncesti 3-4 zile si mananci tot in 5 minute.:D inca nu am timpul si rabdarea pentru aia.:) Insa e o reteta buna de briose incarcate cu bunatati,ce pot fi gatite si acum, ca se apropie Pastele.Sau Floriile.Sau pohta ce-am pohtit.
Tin sa precizez ca pe langa ce am scris mai jos am adaugat un pic de lapte cald(nu mai stiu cat) pentru ca nu mi se parea destul de elastic aluatul. Asa ca daca patiti la fel,va sfatuiesc sa faceti la fel.:)) In rest, bun,bun de tot!

Even though it's not the original Panettone recipe, it's still very good(and much quicker). It's full of flavors, it goes well with a glass of milk as well as with a cup of coffee,so why not give it a try?:)
I want to mention that I used more milk than I wrote, because the dough needed it.So don;t be afraid to adapt the quantities if the result is not as you would like to.

-350 grame faina
-10 grame drojdie proaspata
-80 grame zahar
-125 ml lapte
-1 ou
-30 grame unt
-1 plic zahar vanilat
-40 grame migdale macinate
-40 grame stafide
-60 grame rahat
-1 galbenus
-1 lingura zahar pudra
Ingredients :
-350 grams flour
-10 grams fresh yeast
-80 grams sugar
-125 ml milk
-1 egg
-30 grams butter
-1 sachet vanilla sugar
-40 grams almonds, sliced
-40 grams raisins
-60 grams Turkish delight
-1 yolk
-1 tablespoon powdered sugar
Intr-un castron, punem faina alba cernuta si in mijlocul ei punem drojdia faramitata impreuna cu 1 lingurita de zahar si cu 7-8 linguri de lapte caldut, amestecam cu putina faina si lasam timp de 15 minute sa dospeasca. Framantam o coca, adaugam restul de zahar, lapte, untul, oul si zaharul vanilat.Daca mai e nevoie, mai adaugam lapte. Lasam iar sa dospeasca 30 de minute. Ungem formele de briose(eu am folosit una mai mare) cu margarina si adaugam in coca stafidele, migdalele si rahatul taiat cubulete. Punem coca in forme, insa umplem doar 2/3. Lasam sa mai dospeasca 15 minute. Incalzim cuptorul la 180 de grade. Ungem briosele cu galbenus si presaram zahar pudra, apoi bagam la cuptor pentru 20-25 minute sau pana trec testul scobitorii.
Cand le scoatem din cuptor, mai pudram cu zahar,daca dorim, sau cu ciocolata rasa.Sunt foarte bune caldute,cu un pahar de lapte.
In a small bowl, we mix the yeast with a teaspoon of sugar and 7-8 tablespoons of warm milk. In a large bowl, we sift the flour and make a little hole in the middle, in which we pour the yeast mixture.  We mix with some flour and let 15 minutes to rise. We knead a dough, adding the rest of the sugar, milk, butter, egg and vanilla sugar. If necessary, add some more milk. We let rise for another 30 minutes. We butter the muffin pans(I used a big one). We add the raisins, the almonds and the Turkish delight in the dough. We put the dough in the pans, but only fill 2/3. We let rise for another 15 minutes. We heat the oven to 180C. We brush the muffins with the yolk  and sprinkle some powdered sugar on top, then put in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until they pass the toothpick test.:)
When we take them out of the oven we sprinkle some more powdered sugar, if we want, or we grate chocolate.   They are very good warm, with a glass of milk.