duminică, 25 noiembrie 2012

Creme brulee

Creme brulee este varianta mai fina(din punctul meu de vedere) a cremei de zahar ars a noastra. Este un desert delicat,avand la baza doar cateva componente,care insa in timp s-a diversificat,iar acum putem adauga diverse arome, coaja de portocala rasa,fructe,etc... Eu am facut pentru prima oara,si asta pentru ca mi-am luat arzatorul special pe care,din nu stiu ce motiv,mi-l doream tare de tot.:)) Asa ca s-au legat toate si a iesit...ce urmeaza!

Creme brulee is, in my opinion, the smoother version of the flan. It's a delicate dessert, based on only a few ingredients, which today can be improved with several essences, orange zest, fruits,etc..It was the first time I made it, and that thanks to the fact that I bought the special burner that I was craving for-for unknown reasons.:))) So..everything came together and this is what followed!

-4 galbenusuri
-100 grame zahar(data viitoare voi pune mai putin,mi s-a parut parut cam dulce)
-250 ml smantana dulce
-250 ml lapte rece
-esenta vanilie
-zahar brun

Ingredients :
-4 egg yolks
-100 grams sugar (next time I will use less, it was a little too sweet for me)
-250 ml whipping cream
-250 ml cold milk
-vanilla essence
-brown sugar

Batem galbenusurile si adaugam progresiv zaharul. Amestecam pana se albeste. Adaugam  smantana dulce si laptele. Amestecam bine. Adaugam cateva picaturi de esenta de vanilie.
Whisk the egg yolks and add the sugar progressively. Mix until it becomes white. Add the whipping cream and the milk. Mix well. Add a few drops of the vanilla essence.

 Umplem  formele. Punem la  cuptorul incins la 100C. Lasam aproximativ o ora. Crema va avea consistenta unei gelatine. Lasam sa se raceasca apoi bagam la frigider pentru minim 2 ore.
Fill the ramekins. Put in the oven heated at 100 C. Let for approx. 1 hour. It will look like a jelly. Let cool then put in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
 Pentru a finaliza,inainte de a consuma, presaram  zaharul brun peste crema rece si avem doua variante:
-fie folosim un arzator special pe care il tinem cateva secunde deasupra pana se caramelizeaza zaharul
-fie mai bagam putin la cuptor aproape de grill cateva secunde.

 To finish, right before serving, sprinkle the sugar on top and you have two choices:
-you either use a special burner for a few seconds to caramelize the sugar
-or put in the oven again-close to the grill-for a few seconds also.

Creme brulee se serveste in mod ideal rece cu zaharul brun fierbinte.Savurare placuta !:)

Crème brulee is ideally served cold with the hot caramelized sugar. Enjoy!

Si cu ceva mai mult zahar..:)

miercuri, 21 noiembrie 2012

Paine cu masline si cascaval/Olive cheese bread

Uneori,lucrurile simple pot fi cele mai delicioase. Asta e si povestea acestei tartine calde cu masline si cascaval, care se face foarte simplu, fara ingrediente pretentioase,si e nemaipomenita...Painea devine crocanta, delicioasa datorita untului care ii intra in miez..mmm...cu siguranta reteta asta o sa fie pe repeat o vreme..Si se poate face si in alte combinatii...puteti adauga bacon prajit, ciuperci..ce va mai face placere.

Sometimes, simple things can be the most delicious. This is the story of this hot sandwich with olives and cheese, easy to cook, without any special ingredients, and it is great too..The bread becomes crispy, delicious thanks to the butter that melts into its crumb...mmm...I will certainly repeat this recipe for a while. And you can use other combinations too..you cand add crispy bacon, mushrooms...whatever else you prefer..

-O jumatate de bagheta,sau o ciabatta
-100 grame unt temperatura camerei
-150 grame masline fara samburi taiate bucati (verzi,negre,cum va plac)
-150 grame cascaval ras(orice tip va place-eu am folosit un amestec de Gruyere,Mozzarella si Gouda)
-2 fire ceapa verde taiate marunt
-1-2 linguri maioneza

-Half of a French bread or a ciabatta
-100 grams butter -at room temperature
-150 grams chopped olives (green, black, as you wish)
-150 grams grated cheese (any kind you like-I used a mixture of Gruyere, Mozzarella and Gouda)
-2 chopped green onions
-1-2 tablespoons mayonnaise

Amestecam cu o furculita intr-un vas incapator untul cu maioneza si cu cascavalul,apoi adaugam maslinele. Taiem painea in doua,pe lungime,si impartim compozitia in doua. O jumatate o imprastiem pe o bucata de paine,cealalta jumatate...v-ati prins..:) pe cealalta parte.
We stir in a large bowl, with a fork, the butter with the mayonnaise and the cheese, and then we add the olives. We cut the loaf of bread in half, lengthwise, and split the composition in two parts. One of them we spread on one half of the bread, the other one…you got it..:)..on the other half.

Bagam in cuptorul incins bine si lasam aproximativ 20-25 minute. Nu am cuvinte sa va spun cat de bun a fost, asa ca va las sa incercati si sa va convingeti singuri ! S-aveti pofta !
 We put them in the heated oven and let for approximately 20-25 minutes. I have no words telling you how good it was, so I will let you try and convince yourselves! Enjoy!

duminică, 18 noiembrie 2012


Ne place muult mancarea mexicana..fajitas, burritos,chili con carne..mniam mniam..Din pacate aici nu avem decat un restaurant mexican decent,asa ca nu apucam sa mancam prea mult in oras genul asta de mancare.Dar cine se supara asa repede?:) Facem acasaaa!! Sii..avantaj noi, pot sa adaptez retetele pe placul notru. Asa a aparut si mancarea asta,care a luat ce era mai bun de la burrito si de la fajitas de pui,asa ca i-am spus..buritas!Logic,nu?:)) Oricum i-am spune insa,e o mancare delicioasa,consistenta si da,calorica!:))

We loove mexican food..fajitas,burritos,chili con carne..mniam mniam..Unfortunately we have only one decent mexican restaurant here,so we don't get to eat in town often. But who gets upset? We cook at home!!! And, in our advantage, I can adjust the recipes as we like. This is how this recipe came, and took the best from a burrito and from a chicken fajitas,so I called it...buritas! Seems logical,right?:)) But any way we call it, it's delicious, consistent and yes,caloric!:))

-un piept mare de pui
- cate jumatate de ardei rosu,galben,verde
-o ceapa alba taiata marunt
-o conserva mica fasole rosie
-pentru sosul alb :-smantana,branza proaspata, 1 fir ceapa verde
-cascaval ras
-lipii tortilla

-a big chicken breast
-half of red, yellow and green pepper
-a white onion finely chopped
-a small can of red beans
-for the white sauce:-sour cream, cottage cheese, 1 green onion
-grated cheese
-tortilla wraps

Incingem tigaia si prajim pieptul de pui pe ambele parti. Cand e gata il taiem bucati mici si il dam deoparte. In tigaia in care am prajit puiul punem ceapa taiata marunt si o calim pana devine sticloasa,apoi adaugam ardeii taiati fasiute. Dupa ce se inmoaie ardeii adaugam pieptul de pui si mai lasam pe foc  5-10 minute, amestecand pentru a-si combina aromele. Oprim focul si dam deoparte.
We heat the pan and cook the chicken breast on both sides. When it’s ready we cut it into little chunks and set aside. In the same pan we cook the onion until it’s glassy, then we add the peppers cut into stripes. After the peppers are soft enough, we add the chicken chunks and let cook for another 5-10 minutes, stirring well to combine flavors.
Zdrobim fasolea cu o furculita, nu trebuie pisata foarte fin,cat sa nu se simta bobul intreg atunci cand mancam. Separat, intr-un castronel,facem sosul alb : amestecam 150 grame branza proaspata cu 2-3 linguri smantana,putina sare si ceapa verde taiata mic.
We crash the beans with a fork, not too smooth, but until it becomes a thick paste. Separately, in a bowl, we prepare the white sauce: we mix 150 grams of cottage cheese with 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream, salt and the green onion.
Suntem gata sa incepem ansamblarea : asezam o tortilla pe farfurie, si intr-o parte punem 2-3 linguri din amestecul de carne,ceapa si ardei, apoi 2-3 linguri sos salsa, 2 linguri fasole rosie si 3 linguri cascaval. Indoim tortilla si o asezam intr-un vas termorezistent. Repetam operatiunea pana ni se termina ingredientele(mie mi-au ajuns pentru 4 tortilla mari), apoi mai punem peste ele niste sos salsa si presaram niste cascaval ras. Bagam la cuptorul incins aproximativ 10 minute,pana ce cascavalul se topeste.Scoatem din cuptor si urmeaza partea cea mai grea : asteptam pana se raceste suficient sa putem manca !:)) Mi-nu-na-te ! Sa va ganditi si la mine cand mancati !Pofta buna !
We’re now ready to assemble it: we set a tortilla wrap on a plate, and on one side we put 2-3 tablespoons of the meat, onion and peppers mixture, then 2-3 tablespoons of salsa sauce, 2 tablespoons of beans pasta and 3 tablespoons of grated cheese. We bend the tortilla wrap and put it in an ovenproof recipient. We repeat the operation until we finish the ingredients (I had enough for 4 large tortillas) then we sprinkle some salsa sauce and some grated cheese.  We put it in the preheated oven until the cheese melts. We take it out of the oven and here comes the hardest part: we wait until it’s cooled enough to eat it! :)) Won-der-ful! Think about me when you eat this! Enjoy!

sâmbătă, 17 noiembrie 2012

Sos salsa/Salsa sauce

Sosul asta e,pe cat de simplu,pe atat de gustos si de folositor in diferite combinatii. Il putem adauga la preparate mexicane, merge alaturi de o friptura sau il putem adauga la mancare gatita. Noi nu mancam picant,de asta nu am adaugat nimic iute,insa voi il puteti imbogati cu 2-3 stropi de sos Worcestershire,Tabasco sau piper din abundenta.

This sauce is as simple as it is tasty and useful in different combinations. we can add it to mexican food, it goes well eith a steak or we can add it when we cook. We don't eat spicy, but you can give it more flavor with 2-3 drops of Worcestershire or Tabasco sauce or add a loot of pepper.

-2 rosii
-1 ardei
-3 fire ceapa verde(sau o ceapa alba)

-2 tomatoes
-1 pepper
-3 green onions (or a white one)

Taiem totul bucati mari si punem la robotul de bucatarie. Transferam intr-o craticioara si lasam la foc mediu pana scade zeama. Potrivim de sare si piper. Asta e tot ! J
We cut everything in big chunks and we put them into the food processor. We transfer into a saucepan and let simmer to medium until the juice reduces. We add salt and pepper. That’s all,folks! J

vineri, 16 noiembrie 2012

Muffins de vanilie umplute cu sos de kiwi/Vanilla muffins filled with kiwi sauce

Din seria dulciurilor care se fac foarte usor, nu necesita multe ingrediente si sunt delicioase,astazi va prezint aceste briose pufoase pentru care nu e nevoie de mult timp. Nici pentru a le face,nici pentru a le manca.:))

From the series of desserts that are easy to make, don't need many ingredients and are delicious,today  I present you these fluffy muffins that don't take a lot of time. For baking or eating.:))

-1 ceasca zahar
-1 ou batut
-2 cesti faina
-2 lingurite praf copt
-1 ceasca lapte
-1/4 ceasca unt topit
-2 ½ lingurite esenta vanilie

Ingredients :
-1 cup sugar
-1 egg beaten
-2 cups flour
-2 teaspoons baking powder
-1 cup milk
-1/4 cup melted butter
-2 ½ teaspoons vanilla

Amestecam bine zaharul si oul. Amestecam separat faina si praful de copt. Le adaugam amestecului de zahar si ou, alternand cu laptele, incepand si terminand cu faina. Amestecam temeinic dupa fiecare adaos de faina si ou. La sfarsit adaugam vanilia si untul topit.Omogenizam.
Combine sugar and egg, beat well. Combine flour and baking powder. Add to sugar and egg mixture alternately with the milk, beginning and ending with the flour mixture, beating well after each addition. Stir in butter and vanilla.
Umplem formele de briose unse cu unt sau folosind hartii de briose,insa numai 2/3. Le bagam la cuptorul incalzit la 200C pentru 15-20 minute.
Fill the muffins pans buttered or using muffin baking cups, but only 2/3. Put them in the oven and bake at 200c for 15-20 minutes.
Dupa ce le-am scos de la cuptor si le-am racit,eu le-am taiat un capacel si le-am umplut su sos de kiwi,apoi am pus capacul la loc si l-am mascat cu sos de ciocolata. Voi le puteti  lasa asa sau umple cu orice fel de gem/dulceata va place,sau chiar cu nutella. Sunt delicioase si se pot pastra cateva zile intr-un recipient metalic inchis etans.S-aveti pofta !
After I took them out of the oven I cut a little lid and filled with kiwi sauce, then put the lid back and masked with chocolate sauce. You can let them just the way they are or fill them with any kind of jam you like or even with nutella. They are delicious and can be kept a few days in a metallic recipient. Enjoy!

miercuri, 14 noiembrie 2012

Tort cu banane si budinca/Banana-pudding cake

Daca ar fi sa fac un top al celor mai usoare retete de dulciuri,asta probabil ar ocupa loc fruntas. E genul de dulce pe care il faci cu ce ai prin casa si cand nu ai timp/chef de gatit. In ciuda acestor lucruri,este foarte gustos si destul de ieftin.
If I were to make a top of the easiest sweets to cook, this one would probably be in front of the list. It's the kind of dessert you're making with what you have in your pantry and when you don't have time/mood for cooking. Despite all these, it is very tasty and pretty cheap.

-250 gr biscuiti maruntiti
-150 gr unt topit la foc mic
-2 banane coapte
-o mana de stafide
-un plic budinca-orice aroma doriti
-500 ml lapte
-5 linguri zahar

Ingredients :
-250 gr chopped biscuits
-150 gr butter (melted to low temperature)
-2 ripe bananas
-a handful of raisins
-one sachet of pudding(any flavor you like)
-500 ml milk
-5 tablespoons sugar
Untul topit si racit partial il amestecam cu biscuitii pudra(eu i-am bagat cateva secunde la robot,dar ii puteti pune intr-o punga de plastic si marunti cu sucitorul,sau,cum mai fac eu uneori,ii puteti pune intr-un vas de plastic si pisa cu dispozitivul cu care faceti piure J ) Amestecul  il punem intr-o tava rotunda(sau nu) apasand bine cu o lingura pentru a se tasa,apoi il introducem la frigider pentru jumatate de ora.
We mix the cooled melted butter with the biscuits (I put them in the food processor, but you could also use a plastic bag and a rolling pin or, as I sometimes do, put them in a plastic bowl and crash them with the potato masher J ). We put the mixture in a round (or not)dish and we press firmly, then we put it in the fridge for half an hour.

Intre timp,taiem bananele feliute si preparam budinca asa cum scrie pe plic (cu zaharul si laptele mentionate).
Meanwhile, we slice the bananas and prepare the pudding according to the instructions on the sachet (with the mentioned amount of milk and sugar)
Dupa jumatate de ora scoatem blatul de la rece,asezam bananele si stafidele peste el si acoperim cu budinca racita.Ta-daa ! Desertul nostru este gata, nu ne mai ramane decat sa il bagam la rece cateva ore sau peste noapte. Noi am servit ornat cu frisca si ciocolata rasa.Yummmy !
 After half an hour we take the biscuit dough out of the fridge, we place the slices of banana and the raisins over it and cover with the cooled pudding. Ta-daa! Our dessert is ready, all we have to do now is to put it to the fridge for a couple of hours or overnight. We served it with whipped cream and chocolate flakes. Yummmy!

marți, 13 noiembrie 2012


Pilaful reprezinta pentru mine comfort food. Imi aminteste de copilarie cand bunica mea,Bubu pentru noi, ne gatea inca una din bunatatile ei si noua nu ne ramanea altceva de facut decat sa mai cerem o portie.Nu o sa imi iasa niciodata vreo mancare la fel ca a ei,chiar daca mi-a dictat retetele exact cum le facea,insa eu incerc de fiecare data sa readuc gustul unic al copilariei mele.
Pilaful se poate face cu inimi si pipote de pui, cu piept de pui sau pulpe,insa pentru ca mai nou mofturosul meu copil nu prea se omoara dupa carne astazi am facut simplu.

Romanian pilaf represents comfort food for me. It reminds me of my childhood when my Grandma,Bubu for us,was cooking another one of her delicious foods and we couldn't help but asking for another portion. I will never be able to reproduce the taste of her food, even though she dictated me the recipes exactly as she used to cook them, but I keep trying to bring back the taste of my childhood.
The pilaf can be made with hearts and gizzards, chicken breast or thighs, but because my newly picky child does not eat a loot of meat today I cooked it simple.

-1 ceasca orez bine curatat si spalat(150 gr)
-un morcov taiat feliute
-un ardei taiat cubulete
-o cutie ciuperci taiate marunt
-o lingura margarina

-1 cup well rinsed rice(150 gr)
-a sliced carrot
-a pepper cut into cubs
-a can of mushrooms
-delikat seasoning
-a tablespoon margarine

Punem margarina in cratita si o topim la foc mediu,iar cand e topita adaugam orezul si calim cateva minute. Apoi adaugam un litru si jumatate de apa,morcovul,ardeiul,ciupercile si delikatul. Lasam sa fiarba la foc mic 15-20 minute,pana ce orezul si legumele sunt gata.Dupa ce ne asiguram ca sunt fierte le potrivim de sare si piper si le bagam la cuptor pentru inca 20 de minute.Servim cu castraveti murati !
We melt the margarine to medium and when it’s melted we add the rice and we cook for a few minutes. Then we add a litre and a half water, the carrot, the pepper, the mushrooms and the seasoning. We simmer to low heat for 15-20 minutes, until the rice and the vegetables are ready. After we assure that they are done we add salt and pepper and put in the oven for another 20 minutes. We serve with pickles!