marți, 13 noiembrie 2012


Pilaful reprezinta pentru mine comfort food. Imi aminteste de copilarie cand bunica mea,Bubu pentru noi, ne gatea inca una din bunatatile ei si noua nu ne ramanea altceva de facut decat sa mai cerem o portie.Nu o sa imi iasa niciodata vreo mancare la fel ca a ei,chiar daca mi-a dictat retetele exact cum le facea,insa eu incerc de fiecare data sa readuc gustul unic al copilariei mele.
Pilaful se poate face cu inimi si pipote de pui, cu piept de pui sau pulpe,insa pentru ca mai nou mofturosul meu copil nu prea se omoara dupa carne astazi am facut simplu.

Romanian pilaf represents comfort food for me. It reminds me of my childhood when my Grandma,Bubu for us,was cooking another one of her delicious foods and we couldn't help but asking for another portion. I will never be able to reproduce the taste of her food, even though she dictated me the recipes exactly as she used to cook them, but I keep trying to bring back the taste of my childhood.
The pilaf can be made with hearts and gizzards, chicken breast or thighs, but because my newly picky child does not eat a loot of meat today I cooked it simple.

-1 ceasca orez bine curatat si spalat(150 gr)
-un morcov taiat feliute
-un ardei taiat cubulete
-o cutie ciuperci taiate marunt
-o lingura margarina

-1 cup well rinsed rice(150 gr)
-a sliced carrot
-a pepper cut into cubs
-a can of mushrooms
-delikat seasoning
-a tablespoon margarine

Punem margarina in cratita si o topim la foc mediu,iar cand e topita adaugam orezul si calim cateva minute. Apoi adaugam un litru si jumatate de apa,morcovul,ardeiul,ciupercile si delikatul. Lasam sa fiarba la foc mic 15-20 minute,pana ce orezul si legumele sunt gata.Dupa ce ne asiguram ca sunt fierte le potrivim de sare si piper si le bagam la cuptor pentru inca 20 de minute.Servim cu castraveti murati !
We melt the margarine to medium and when it’s melted we add the rice and we cook for a few minutes. Then we add a litre and a half water, the carrot, the pepper, the mushrooms and the seasoning. We simmer to low heat for 15-20 minutes, until the rice and the vegetables are ready. After we assure that they are done we add salt and pepper and put in the oven for another 20 minutes. We serve with pickles!

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