miercuri, 21 noiembrie 2012

Paine cu masline si cascaval/Olive cheese bread

Uneori,lucrurile simple pot fi cele mai delicioase. Asta e si povestea acestei tartine calde cu masline si cascaval, care se face foarte simplu, fara ingrediente pretentioase,si e nemaipomenita...Painea devine crocanta, delicioasa datorita untului care ii intra in miez..mmm...cu siguranta reteta asta o sa fie pe repeat o vreme..Si se poate face si in alte combinatii...puteti adauga bacon prajit, ciuperci..ce va mai face placere.

Sometimes, simple things can be the most delicious. This is the story of this hot sandwich with olives and cheese, easy to cook, without any special ingredients, and it is great too..The bread becomes crispy, delicious thanks to the butter that melts into its crumb...mmm...I will certainly repeat this recipe for a while. And you can use other combinations too..you cand add crispy bacon, mushrooms...whatever else you prefer..

-O jumatate de bagheta,sau o ciabatta
-100 grame unt temperatura camerei
-150 grame masline fara samburi taiate bucati (verzi,negre,cum va plac)
-150 grame cascaval ras(orice tip va place-eu am folosit un amestec de Gruyere,Mozzarella si Gouda)
-2 fire ceapa verde taiate marunt
-1-2 linguri maioneza

-Half of a French bread or a ciabatta
-100 grams butter -at room temperature
-150 grams chopped olives (green, black, as you wish)
-150 grams grated cheese (any kind you like-I used a mixture of Gruyere, Mozzarella and Gouda)
-2 chopped green onions
-1-2 tablespoons mayonnaise

Amestecam cu o furculita intr-un vas incapator untul cu maioneza si cu cascavalul,apoi adaugam maslinele. Taiem painea in doua,pe lungime,si impartim compozitia in doua. O jumatate o imprastiem pe o bucata de paine,cealalta jumatate...v-ati prins..:) pe cealalta parte.
We stir in a large bowl, with a fork, the butter with the mayonnaise and the cheese, and then we add the olives. We cut the loaf of bread in half, lengthwise, and split the composition in two parts. One of them we spread on one half of the bread, the other one…you got it..:)..on the other half.

Bagam in cuptorul incins bine si lasam aproximativ 20-25 minute. Nu am cuvinte sa va spun cat de bun a fost, asa ca va las sa incercati si sa va convingeti singuri ! S-aveti pofta !
 We put them in the heated oven and let for approximately 20-25 minutes. I have no words telling you how good it was, so I will let you try and convince yourselves! Enjoy!