joi, 31 ianuarie 2013


Kourabies,sau kourabiedes, sunt biscuiti grecesti specifici Craciunului si Noului An. De sarbatori, fiecare familie de greci are pe masa acesti biscuiti gustosi, si fiecare are o reteta proprie,adaptata gusturilor proprii. Biscuitii au avantajul ca rezista mult timp daca sunt pastrati intr-o cutie inchisa ermetic,asa ca va puteti bucura de ei dimineata,la o cafea,chiar si dupa ce sarbatorile s-au terminat. Noi ne bucuram de ei tot anul,pentru ca cineva anume are o pasiune pentru ei si pentru muuulte alte retete grecesti,ce vor urma pe blog..:)

Kourabies, or kourabiedes, are Greek biscuits that are specific for Christmas and New Year. For holidays, every Greek family puts on its table these tasty biscuits, and each one has a recipe of its own, adapted to their very own taste. The biscuits have the advantage that they keep fresh if well stored in an ermetic box, so you can enjoy them in the morning, with a coffee, even after the holidays are over. We enjoy them all year long, because somebody in particular has a crush for them and for maany other Greek recipes, that will follow on this blog..:)

-4 cesti unt
-4 cesti zahar pudra
-2 galbenusuri
-2 lingurite esenta vanilie
-2 lingurite praf copt
-3 lingurite suc portocale sau brandy
-1 ceasca fulgi migdale
-12 cesti faina(aprox. 1 ½ kg)
-zahar pudra pentru deasupra
-apa de trandafiri

Ingredients :
-4 cups butter
-4 cups confectioner sugar
-2 egg yolks
-2 teaspoons vanilla extract
-2 teaspoons baking powder
-3 teaspoons orange juice or brandy
-1 cup almond flakes
-12 cups flour
-confectioner sugar for powdering
-rose water

Toate ingredientele trebuie sa fie la temperatura camerei. Intr-un vas amestecam untul si zaharul pudra pana la dizolvarea zaharului. Dizolvam praful de copt in sucul de portocale si il adaugam incet amestecului de unt, adaugand apoi galbenusurile, esenta de vanilie si migdalele. Adaugam faina treptat si framantam pana devine usor maleabil.
All ingredients must be at room temperature. In a bowl we mix the butter and the sugar until the sugar is dissolved.  We dissolve the baking powder in the orange juice and we add it to the mixture of butter, adding the yolks, the vanilla extract and the almonds. We gradually add the flour. We knead until it becomes easy to work with.
Incalzim cuptorul la 175C. Formam cu mana gramajoare de 5 cm diametru si 2 cm grosime si le asezam pe o tava acoperita cu foaie de copt unsa cu unt. Coacem 20 minute sau pana devin maronii. Cand corabioarele sunt la cuptor, asezam zahar pudra pe o farfurie. Cand sunt gata, le stropim cu apa de trandafiri si le dam prin zaharul pudra.
We heat the oven to 175C. We form with the hand small piles of 5 cm diameter and 2 cm thickness and we put them on a tray covered by buttered baking paper. We bake for 20 minutes or until they become brown. When the kourabies are in the oven, we sprinkle confectioner sugar on a plate. When they are ready, we water them with rose water and roll them in the sugar.