vineri, 29 martie 2013

Muffins cu crenvursti/Corn Dog Muffins

De vreo doua luni Razvan nu mai vrea sa manance masa de pranz la scoala,vrea sa ii dau eu de acasa,cica e mai bun. Sau cel putin asa zicea pe vremea cand credea ca o sa ii dau in fiecare zi snitel cu piure. Ca daca ar fi dupa el,meniul ar fi muult mai simplu. Dar nu, nu ii dau snitel cu piure tot timpul,asa ca trebuie sa imi consum dramul de imaginatie si rabdare sa compun meniuri pentru el in fiecare zi. Pentru mic dejun si pentru pranz. Noroc cu internetul si cu altii mai destepti decat mine.:)) Asa am gasit reteta asta de muffins cu crenvursti, usor de facut si potriviti pentru mai multe etape ale zilei,printre care si pranzul pentru un copil (mai nou) mofturos.

Because I have to prepare lunch for my son every day, I have a full time research job and I spend most of my( little) free time trying to find recipes that would suit his lunch box. Thank God there are people more intelligent and inspired than me, so that I can watch and learn.:)) And because you know I simply love this woman, she helped me one more time with a great recipe of corn dog muffins.



-1 cana malai
-1/2 cana faina
-1 lingurita sare
-1 cana lapte batut(l-as combina cu iaurt)
-1/2 cana lapte
-1 ou
-1 lingura praf de copt
-1/2 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu
-6 crenvursti
-1/4 cana unt topit

Ingredients :
-1 cup yellow cornmeal
-1/2 cup flour
-1 teaspoon salt
-1 cup buttermilk
-1/2 cup milk
-1 egg
-1 tablespoon baking powder
-1/2 teaspoon baking soda
-6 hot dogs
-1/4 cup melted butter or shortening

Amestecam intr-un vas incapator toate ingredientele uscate. Separat batem oul si adaugam laptele si laptele batut(eu am pus numai lapte batut dar mi s-a parut cam subtire,asa ca data viitoare voi pune si iaurt,sa mai ingroase). Adaugam praful de copt si bicarbonatul peste amestecul de lapte si ou. Amestecam si turnam peste ingredientele uscate. Adaugam si untul topit,caldut. Amestecam bine.
In a large bowl we mix the dry ingredients. Separately, we beat the egg and add the milk and the buttermilk. We add the baking powder and the baking soda into the egg milk mixture. We stir and pour over the dry ingredients. We add the melted butter or shortening, slightly cooled. We stir well.

Ungem formele de briose cu grasime(unt,margarina). Le ungem biine bine de tot,nu ne zgarcim,sa putem sa scoatem usor briosele.  Le umplem un pic mai mult de jumatate. Infigem un bucata de crenvursti in compozitie(cam o treime). Eu am avut niste mini crenvursti care mi-au incaput la fix. Coacem pana sunt gata,aproximativ 10-12 minute. Servim cu ketchup si mustar !
Nota redactiei: briosele ies mai bine din forma dupa ce s-au racit, asa ca daca aveti putintica rabdare o sa va fie mai usor.

In a large bowl we mix the dry ingredients. Separately, we beat the egg and add the milk and the buttermilk. We add the baking powder and the baking soda into the egg milk mixture. We stir and pour over the dry ingredients. We add the melted butter or shortening, slightly cooled. We stir well.
We grease muffin tins and fill them a little more than half with batter, then cut a hot dog into pieces and stick it into the batter.:)(about a third of a whole hot dog). We bake until the cornbread is done, about 10-12 minutes. We serve with ketchup and mustard!

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