marți, 5 martie 2013

Briose mozaic/Mosaic muffins

Astazi va prezint niste briose sarate, foarte gustoase si satioase. Merg si calde, si reci, si le putem lua si la pachetel,la munca sau la scoala. Sper ca v-am convins deja,asa ca va poftesc sa le gustati si sa va bucurati ele!
Si patru dintre ele se duc la vecinii Oanei,despre care stiu ca imi urmaresc blogul si carora le multumesc pentru incredere!:*

Today I'm presenting you some salty muffins, very tasty and nourishing. They go well warm or cold, we can take them in our lunch box, at work or school. I hope I've convinced you already,so please taste and enjoy them!


-200g de taietei
- 200g de sunca presata
- un borcan de legume mexicane
-200 grame smantana
- 5 oua
- 200 grame cascaval ras
- o ceapa mica
- un praf de copt
- sare, piper,etc.

-200 grams noodles
-200 grams ham
-a jar of mexican vegetables
-200 grams sour cream
-5 eggs
-200 grams grated cheese
-a small onion
-a sachet baking powder
Fierbem taiteii conform instructiiunilor de pe pachet. Calim legumele, ceapa si sunca taiate marunt intr-o tigaie cu putin unt.Condimentam dupa gust. Intr-un vas mare batem ouale si adaugam smantana si cascavalul.Amestecam. Adaugam praful de copt si amestecam bine.
We boil the noodles according to the instructions. In a pan we add some butter and cook the vegetables and the shredded onion and ham.We spice. In a large bowl we beat the eggs and add the cream and the grated cheese. We stir. We add the baking powder and stir well.
Adaugam taiteii scursi de apa si verdeata(ceapa verde, chives,etc). Umplem formele de briose si bagam la cuptorul incins pentru aproximativ 30-40 de minute.
We add the drained noodles and some green(green onion, chives,etc). We fill the muffins pan and put in the heated oven for 30-40 minutes.

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