luni, 28 ianuarie 2013

Rulada de pui/Chicken roll

Rulada asta de pui e genul de mancare pe care o faci cand nu ai nici cea mai vaga idee ce ai putea gati si nici nu ai chef de ceva complicat. Dureaza putin, nu e deloc complicat si gustul e....dar va las sa descoperiti! :)

This chicken roll is the kid of food you make when you don't have any idea what you could cook and you're not in the mood for something complicated. It doesn't take much time, it's not at all complicated, and the taste is...but I'll let you discover by yourselves!:)

-un piept mare de pui taiat felii subtiri
-o ceapa taiata marunt
-1/2 conserva ciuperci taiate marunt(puteti folosi si proaspete)
-cascaval ras(150-200 grame)
-1/2 ardei taiat fasii
-8-10 felii bacon
-sare,piper,boia ardei

-a large chicken breast, cut into thin slices
-an onion, finely chopped
-1/2 can of mushrooms, chopped (You can use fresh ones, too)
-grated cheese (150-200 grams)
-1/2 pepper, cut into thin strips
-8-10 bacon slices
-salt, pepper, paprika
Incingem o tigaie si prajim ceapa pana devine translucida, apoi adaugam ciupercile si potrivim de sare. Cand sunt gata,dam deoparte. Intre timp,asezam feliile de piept de pui una langa alta, suprapunandu-le usor. Le asezonam cu sare,piper,boia.
We heat o pan and cook the onion until it becomes translucent, then add the mushrooms and some salt. When it’s ready, we set aside. Meanwhile, we put the chicken breast slices side by side, overlapping them. We season with salt, pepper, paprika.
Asezam amestecul de ceapa si ciuperci peste feliile de pui, apoi feliutele de ardei. Presaram cascaval din abundenta.
We put the onion mushrooms mix on the chicken, then the pepper strips. We sprinkle grated cheese on top.
Rulam feliile de pui si imbracam rulada in feliile de bacon asezate una langa alta.(daca doriti,va puteti ajuta de scobitori pentru a tine fixat). Bagam la cuptorul incins bine si lasam pana baconul devine crocant si puiul e gata(30-40 minute) . Dupa ce scoatem din cuptor feliem si servim cald.  Noi am servit cu un piure de cartofi cu morcov si un sos de branza cu ceapa verde. Pofta buna !
We roll the chicken breast slices and cover the roll with the bacon slices set side by side (if you want, you can use toothpicks to keep all together). We put in the heated oven until the bacon is crispy and the chicken is ready (30-40 minutes). After we take it out of the oven we slice it and serve it warm. We served it with a carrot potato puree and a cheese and green onion sauce.  Enjoy it!


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