sâmbătă, 8 decembrie 2012

Mac whoopie

Whoooopiiee!Azi incep seria whoopie-urilor,aceste micute sandwichuri de care va veti indragosti imediat. Sub falsa lor infatisare de macarons,  aceste micute produse sunt foarte simplu de realizat. Istoria lor spune ca femeile Amish le pregateau sotilor aceste gustari minunate,iar ei, cand isi deschideau pachetul cu mancare exclamau: "Whoopie!"
Eu imi incep seria cu un Mac Whoopie,un mini hamburger cu o chifla delicioasa,care sigur va va face si pe voi sa exclamati de placere!Whoopie!

Whoooopiiee!Today I begin the series of whoopies, these tiny little sandwiches that you will love instantly. Under their fake appearance of macarons, these tiny products are easy to make. Their history says that the Amish women used to prepare these wonderful snacks to their husbands, and, when opening their lunch boxes, they would exclaim:"Whoopie!"
I begin my series with a Mac Whoopie, a mini hamburger with a delicious bun, which will surely make you exclaim with joy!Whoopie!

-85 grame unt la temperature camerei
-2 linguri ulei vegetal
-1 ou
-1 lingurita zahar pudra
-250 grame faina
-1 lingurita praf copt
-1/2 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu
-120 ml lapte
-40 grame cascaval ras(Cheddar)
-1 lingura seminte susan sau mac
-500 grame carne tocata vita
-2 rosii
-cateva foi de salata

-85 grame butter, room temperature
-2 tablespoons oil
-1 egg
-1 teaspoon confectioner’s sugar
-250 grams flour
-1 teaspoon baking powder
-1/2 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate
-120 ml milk
-40 grams grated cheese (Cheddar)
-1 tablespoon sesame or poppy seeds
-500 grams minced beef
-2 tomatoes
-salad leaves
-ketchup, salt, pepper


Amestecam untul cu o lingurita sare, ½ lingurita piper, ulei, ou si zahar,apoi adaugam faina, praful de copt si bicarbonatul.

We mix the butter with a teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of pepper, oil, egg and sugar, then we add the flour, the baking soda and the sodium bicarbonate.

Incorporam laptele si cascavalul ras.

We add the milk and the grated cheese.

Repartizam compozitia in mici gramajoare pe o tava pe care am pus hartie de copt. Presaram seminte de susan sau mac.

We divide into small piles on a tray with baking paper. We sprinkle sesame and poppy seeds.

Bagam la cuptorul incins la 180C pentru aproximativ 12 minute.

Formam mici hamburgeri de marimea painicilor din carnea tocata asezonata. Le prajim pe un grill.

We put in the oven heated at 180C for approx. 12 minutes.

We form little hamburgers (bread sized) from the seasoned minced meat. we grill them.

Montam whoopie-urile asezand intre doua felii de paine o bucata de carne, o felie de rosie , salata si ketchup. Folosim o scobitoare pentru a le tine laolalta.

We set the whoopies placing between two pieces of bread a piece of meat, a slice of tomato, salad and ketchup. We use a toothpick to keep them together.

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