vineri, 8 februarie 2013

Spaghetti carbonara

Eu nu sunt mare fan paste, dar pe astea le mananc de fiecare data cu placere. Au cam tot ce le trebuie sa fie gustoase si hranitoare si daca mai luam in calcul si ca se fac usor le declaram castigatoare pentru o masa pe cinste alaturi de familie sau prieteni. Va invit,deci,sa incercati o portie de spaghetti carbonara delicioase!

I'm not a very big fan of pasta,but this kind I eat every time with pleasure. They have everything they need to be tasty and nourishing and if we take into consideration the fact that they are easy to make we declare them winners for a meal with family or friends. So,I invite you to try a portion of delicious spaghetti carbonara!


-250 grame Kaiser taiat bucatele
-1 punga spaghete
-1 borcan ciuperci taiate marunt
-500 grame smantana
-cascaval ras
-branza topita (2,3 triunghiuri)

-250 grams Kaiser (9 ounces) cut into pieces
-1 Lb spaghetti
-1 can sliced mushrooms
-500 grams (18 ounces ) sour cream
-grated cheese
-processed cheese (2,3 triangles)
Pregatim spaghetele asa cum e indicat pe cutie,cu putina sare si delikat,apoi le scurgem de apa. Prajim kaiserul intr-o lingura de margarina, apoi adaugam ciupercile, delikat, sare, piper si usturoi taiat marunt. Amestecam. Adaugam branza topita. Turnam smantana si mai lasam un minut sau doua.Oprim focul  si adaugam cascaval ras,amestecam bine, apoi turnam peste spaghete.Mai putem adauga cascaval ras si in farfurie. Servim cald.
We prepare the spaghetti as indicated on the box, with salt and delikat, then we drain them. We cook the Kaiser in a tablespoon of margarine, then we add the mushrooms, delikat, salt, pepper, finely sliced garlic. We mix together. We add the processed cheese.  We pour the sour cream and we let for another minute or two. We turn the heat off and we add some grated cheese and we stir well, then we pour over the spaghetti. We can add some more cheese in the plate. We serve warm.