Super trooper recipe of muffins, that is! I can assure you that you will love the flavor, the consistency, the fluffiness of these ones! And if you (and you will) love and try the recipe, don't hesitate to send me pictures of your work!:)
-270 grame faina
-2 ½ lingurite praf copt
-1/2 lingurita sare
-1 ou
-170 grame zahar
-70 grame unt topit
-190 ml lapte
-un mar verde(Granny Smith) taiat cubulete,
-150 grame afine proaspete, plus inca 50
pentru gatit
Ingredients :
-270 grams flour
-2 ½ teaspoons baking
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-1 egg
-170 grams sugar
-70 grams melted
-190 ml milk
-a green apple (Granny
Smith) diced
-150 grams fresh blueberries, plus 50 grams for decorating
Crumble :
-150 grame faina
-50 grame zahar
-100 grame unt
rece,taiat cubulete
-150 grams flour
-50 grame sugar
-100 grams cold
butter, diced
Incalzim cuptorul la 170 C. Facem crumble-ul : punem toate ingredientele la robot si
mixam pana devine ca un pesmet. (mixam in reprize scurte)
Intr-un bol cernem faina cu sarea si praful
de copt. Separat,amestecam oul cu zaharul si adaugam untul topit si racit, apoi
laptele. Adaugam amestecul de faina
peste si amestecam cu atentie. La sfarsit adaugam fructele.
We heat the oven to
170C. We make the crumble: we mix all
the ingredients in short sessions until it transforms into crumbles.
We sift the flour, the salt and the baking soda
in a bowl. Separately, we mix the egg with the sugar and add the cooled melted
butter, then the milk. We add the flour mixture and stir gently. We add the
Umplem formele de muffins si adaugam
crumble cu generozitate,apoi presaram cateva afine. Dam la cuptor pentru
aproximativ 30 de minute(briosele trebuie sa fie rumene)
We fill the muffin
pans and add generously add crumble on each one, then some blueberries. We put
in the heated oven for 30 minutes, until it becomes golden brown.