vineri, 29 martie 2013

Muffins cu crenvursti/Corn Dog Muffins

De vreo doua luni Razvan nu mai vrea sa manance masa de pranz la scoala,vrea sa ii dau eu de acasa,cica e mai bun. Sau cel putin asa zicea pe vremea cand credea ca o sa ii dau in fiecare zi snitel cu piure. Ca daca ar fi dupa el,meniul ar fi muult mai simplu. Dar nu, nu ii dau snitel cu piure tot timpul,asa ca trebuie sa imi consum dramul de imaginatie si rabdare sa compun meniuri pentru el in fiecare zi. Pentru mic dejun si pentru pranz. Noroc cu internetul si cu altii mai destepti decat mine.:)) Asa am gasit reteta asta de muffins cu crenvursti, usor de facut si potriviti pentru mai multe etape ale zilei,printre care si pranzul pentru un copil (mai nou) mofturos.

Because I have to prepare lunch for my son every day, I have a full time research job and I spend most of my( little) free time trying to find recipes that would suit his lunch box. Thank God there are people more intelligent and inspired than me, so that I can watch and learn.:)) And because you know I simply love this woman, she helped me one more time with a great recipe of corn dog muffins.



-1 cana malai
-1/2 cana faina
-1 lingurita sare
-1 cana lapte batut(l-as combina cu iaurt)
-1/2 cana lapte
-1 ou
-1 lingura praf de copt
-1/2 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu
-6 crenvursti
-1/4 cana unt topit

Ingredients :
-1 cup yellow cornmeal
-1/2 cup flour
-1 teaspoon salt
-1 cup buttermilk
-1/2 cup milk
-1 egg
-1 tablespoon baking powder
-1/2 teaspoon baking soda
-6 hot dogs
-1/4 cup melted butter or shortening

Amestecam intr-un vas incapator toate ingredientele uscate. Separat batem oul si adaugam laptele si laptele batut(eu am pus numai lapte batut dar mi s-a parut cam subtire,asa ca data viitoare voi pune si iaurt,sa mai ingroase). Adaugam praful de copt si bicarbonatul peste amestecul de lapte si ou. Amestecam si turnam peste ingredientele uscate. Adaugam si untul topit,caldut. Amestecam bine.
In a large bowl we mix the dry ingredients. Separately, we beat the egg and add the milk and the buttermilk. We add the baking powder and the baking soda into the egg milk mixture. We stir and pour over the dry ingredients. We add the melted butter or shortening, slightly cooled. We stir well.

Ungem formele de briose cu grasime(unt,margarina). Le ungem biine bine de tot,nu ne zgarcim,sa putem sa scoatem usor briosele.  Le umplem un pic mai mult de jumatate. Infigem un bucata de crenvursti in compozitie(cam o treime). Eu am avut niste mini crenvursti care mi-au incaput la fix. Coacem pana sunt gata,aproximativ 10-12 minute. Servim cu ketchup si mustar !
Nota redactiei: briosele ies mai bine din forma dupa ce s-au racit, asa ca daca aveti putintica rabdare o sa va fie mai usor.

In a large bowl we mix the dry ingredients. Separately, we beat the egg and add the milk and the buttermilk. We add the baking powder and the baking soda into the egg milk mixture. We stir and pour over the dry ingredients. We add the melted butter or shortening, slightly cooled. We stir well.
We grease muffin tins and fill them a little more than half with batter, then cut a hot dog into pieces and stick it into the batter.:)(about a third of a whole hot dog). We bake until the cornbread is done, about 10-12 minutes. We serve with ketchup and mustard!

marți, 26 martie 2013


Cred ca e una dintre cele mai simple retete de baclavale, cu siguranta exista si unele mai deosebite, dar e foarte buna la gust si nu iti trebuie indemanare mai deloc. Doar putina rabdare sa ungi fiecare foaie cu margarina. Pana acum am facut doar cu nuca, dar cu siguranta o sa fac si cu fistic intr-un viitor mai mult sau mai putin apropiat. Ele sunt foaarte bune, mititelele, insa si destul de calorice, asa ca incerc sa fac mai rarut, sa ne tin departe de kilograme in plus. Restul dulciurilor ce ne traverseaza bucataria si stomacul in fiecare zi nu se pun. Doar pe astea mi s-a casunat.:))

This dessert is a subject of discussion between the Turkish and the Greek kitchen, each one claiming it, and with a good reason.:) It is pretty delicious and very easy to make, and there are many variations of the recipe according to the country. A noticeable version isalso  the pistachios one, which I will try in the future,so stay tuned!:)



-1 pachet(500 grame) foi pentru placinta
-150 grame margarina topita
-300 grame nuci macinate
-2 linguri scortisoara

Ingredients :

-1 package(500 grams) phyllo dough
-150 grams melted margarine
-300 grams crushed nuts
-2 tablespoons cinnamon

Sirop :

-150 ml miere
-200 grame zahar
-200 ml apa
-esenta rom,vanilie
-apa de portocal(optional)

Syrup :

-150 ml honey
-200 grams sugar
-200 ml water
-essence of rum, vanilla
-orange flower  water(optional)
Procedeul e cat se poate de simplu : taiem foile de placinta la dimensiunea tavii pe care urmeaza sa o folosim. Le impartim in 3 si asezam primele foi ungand cu grija fiecare foaie cu margarina topita. Dupa ce am pus primul rand de foi punem jumatate din compozitia de nuci tocate amestecate cu scortisoara. Apoi adaugam al doilea rand de foi, ungand de fiecare data cu margarina topita, apoi a doua jumatate din amestecul nuca-scortisoara,si in final ultimele foi(evident,unse individual cu margarina topita). Dam un pic la rece(minim 10 minute) si taiem in forma in care ne dorim sa avem baclavalele(eu am taiat romburi, dar puteti taia patrate,dreptunghiuri…) Bagam tava la cuptorul incins la 180C pentru 30 de minute,pana ce foile sunt rumene. Inainte cu 5-10 minute sa scoatem baclavalele de la cuptor ne apucam de sirop : punem la fiert apa si zaharul,iar cand incep sa fiarba dam focul la mic si adaugam mierea. Lasam pana ce incepe sa fiarba din nou,apoi luam de pe foc si adaugam aromele preferate.Eu am pus si apa de portocal pentru ca nu imi place,si cum sunt vesnic la cura am zis ca m-ar ajuta in proces. Guess what ? Mi s-au parut delicioase chiar si asa..Ghinion.. J
Turnam siropul fierbinte peste baclavalele scoase din cuptor, acoperim cu o folie de aluminiu si dam la rece cateva ore,pana se insiropeaza bine de tot. Le servim reci, eventual cu nuca macinata presarata deasupra.

The procedure is pretty simple,actually : we cut the phyllo dough to fit pan. We split the sheets in 3 and start putting the first round taking care to carefully spread melted margarine over each one of them. After the first round of sheets, we put half of the nuts-cinnamon mixture over, and then continue with the next set of sheets (repeating the procedure after each sheet of dough). After the second set of sheets is done too, we spread the other half of the mixture over and use the melted margarine over the last set of sheets. We put the pan into the fridge for at least 10 minutes and cut into the desires shapes. I made diamonds, but you can make squares or rectangles if you like. We put in the oven heated at 180C for 30 minutes, until the baklava is golden and crisp. 5 or 10 minutes before the baklava is done, we make the syrup: we bring the water and the sugar to boil, reduce the heat and add the honey. When the syrup stars bubbling again, we turn the heat off and add the essence.
We pour the hot syrup over the baklava, cover with an aluminum foil and let cool for several hours.



luni, 25 martie 2013

Crema de zahar ars/Flan

Chiar ma gandeam atunci cand am facut desertul asta cat de fin si de rafinat poate sa iasa ceva din atat de putine si simple ingrediente. Mi se pare asa, una din retetele alea minune,cand din nimic iese ceva uimitor. Plus ca iese destul de mult,deci are sanse sa prinda si a doua zi. Singurul inconvenient ar fi ca e mai bun rece,asa ca timpul de asteptare poate produce suferinta pofticiosilor.:)) Dar trecem noi si peste asta, si ce obtinem dupa cateva ore e ceva...mmmmniam!

In my opinion, this is a fabulous dessert made out of almost nothing. Little ingredients, little work, huuuge amount of taste! The only thing that might bother us is that we have to wait until we can eat it,because it's better to serve it cold, so this might annoy a bit.But well..there are worse things in life, right?:) Enjoy this unique sensation of smoothness and try not to blame it on me if you have too much, ok?:D

-10 oua
-1 litru lapte
-2 pachetele zahar vanilat
-12-14 linguri zahar
Ingredients :
-10 eggs
-1 liter milk
-2 sachets vanilla sugar
-12-14 tablespoons sugar
Fierbem laptele, il dam deoparte, punem zaharul vanilat. Intr-o cratita mai mare punem zaharul si il facem caramel.(il topim pana devine lichid)Cand s-a topit il imprastiem si pe marginile cratitei putin.
We bring the milk to boil, set aside, add vanilla sugar. In a large pan we melt the sugar until it’s fluid. When it’s melted, we spread some onto the margins of the pan.

Batem ouale si le amestecam cu laptele,apoi adaugam amestecul in cratita cu zahar topit. Bagam la cuptorul incins pentru 15 minute. Se serveste rece, cu cateva linguri de caramel deasupra.

We beat the eggs and mix with the milk, then add the mixture into the pan. We put in the heated oven for 15 minutes. We serve cold, with some tablespoons of caramel poured over.

vineri, 22 martie 2013

Crema de branza cu bacon si ardei copt/Bacon grilled pepper cream cheese

Atentie ! Produsul care urmeaza poate (si va)da dependenta ! Va rugam sa il tineti departe de gurile pofticioase daca doriti sa apucati sa gustati si a doua zi! Macar voi,eu nu am reusit ! De abia am apucat sa fac 2-3 poze,ca s-a si terminat…Dar nu-i bai,ca se face usor,asa ca operatiunea  « crema de branza bestiala » revine in curand pe micile ecrane.Si marile burti.

Deci : se iau 200 de grame de crema de branza naturala(puteti folosi Philadelphia daca doriti,e foarte buna). Se lasa la temperatura camerei 2-3 ore.Sau una,daca nu aveti rabdare atat.Cat sa nu mai fie asa teapana. Cat timp ea se obisnuieste cu atmosfera se prajeste niste bacon.Mult.Putin.Cum va place.Eu am prajit 4 felii,ca le-am mai facut de rusine si v-am spus ca sunt amarate. Patru. Sa fie. Se scurge baconul de surplusul de ulei, se inlatura soricul ala atos si se taie bucatele mici. Se coace un ardei mai plinut.Asta ca sa nu ii zic gras,ca poate il deranjeaza.(I know I would). Se impreuneaza intr-un scop nobil crema de branza, baconul prajit cel maruntel si cam jumatate din ardeiul supraponderal,sa zicem, pe taramul cel fara de intoarcere al unui blender. Li se amesteca gandurile pana se omogenizeaza si nu isi mai aminteste nimeni ce a fost initial. Acum toti reprezinta o mare si compacta familie. Familia « crema de branza cu bacon si ardei copt ». Se consuma moderat(daca se reuseste) sau in forta(daca va place sa traiti viata cu pasiune :D ). Se pomeneste blogul subsemnatei si prietenilor,rudelor pana in gradul III si vecinilor. Atat.


Attention! The following product can (and will) create addiction. Please keep away from greedy mouths if you want to taste it the next day, also. I couldn’t. I could barely take 2-3 pictures, and it was already over…But it’s cool, it’s easy to make, so operation “coolest cream cheese ever” will be back soon.
So: one takes 200 grams of cream cheese (Philadelphia would be just fine). One lets it get used to the room temperature for 2 or 3 hours. Or less, if you’re eager to eat it faster.:)) Meantime, one fries some bacon in a pan. 4 slices will do. Or 2, if they are not as thin as mine. Cut them into small bites after removing the rind. One grills a bell pepper. One mixes the 3 simple but delicious ingredients with the loving help of a blender. One enjoys the mega uber tasty cream cheese that has just been created. One recommends this blog to his/her neighbors, relatives and friends. That’s all,folks! ;)

miercuri, 20 martie 2013

Sandwich cu bacon si ou/Bacon egg sandwich


Din ciclul “De ce sa cumpar de la Delhaize si sa dau 4 euro pe el cand pot sa-l fac eu”(nu exista de-adevaratelea un ciclu cu numele asta,dar ar putea.. ;) )am incercat sa redau astazi un sandwich care lui Razvan ii place foarte mult,si anume cu bacon si ou. Sincer, in afara de cele mentionate, habar nu am ce mai are ala de la Delhaize, insa m-am gandit si eu ce ar mai merge si a iesit asa : doua felii prrroaspete si aromate de paine se ung cu maioneza, peste feliuta numarul unu se aseaza o foaie de salata spalata si uscata, asa,cat sa fie comod pentru ce va sa vie.  Deasupra punem niste felii crocante de bacon (cat va tine inima)-eu am pus 3, ca aici sunt subtirele si amarate,iar apoi felii dintr-un ou fiert si sacrificat pe treptele gustului suprem.  Pentru un pic de prospetime aducem imprejurul lor si cateva feliute de rosie,iar eu astazi am facut o aroganta si am copt si un ardei,din care am salvat cateva feliute si pentru sandwichul aici de fata. Inchidem in liniste cu cealalta felie de paine unsa cu maioneza si incercam sa il pastram intact macar 5 minute pentru poze. Cine face. Cine nu il poate manca imediat. Si imi poate transmite apoi complimentele de rigoare pe adresa redactiei. Sau blogului.

Another language, a slightly different story. I decided to change things a bit and tell different stories for the same recipe. It’s still good that I’m not telling different recipes for the same story.:))
So. Today I made a bacon-egg tasty sandwich. I actually tried to recreate one that my son loves very much and for which we had to pay 4 euro. Well…not anymore, I tell you..
All we need this is getting old already, so we take two slices of bread, we grease them with mayonnaise ,and we start loading one of them with the following: a lettuce leaf, some crispy bacon, a hardboiled egg cut into slices, some slices of tomato, and I also put some bits of roasted pepper. We add the second slice of bread and can figure this out! J
Cu toata dragostea si multumirile mele pentru tine,Vivi! ;)

luni, 18 martie 2013

Ranch style chicken

Am gasit pe un site pe care il ador o varianta categoric imbunatatita la ce faceam eu pana acum(respectiv gratar de pui,bacon si cascaval). Are o aroma deosebita si se face relativ repede,daca excludem timpul de asteptare. O intrepatrundere fericita de gusturi, reteta perfecta pentru o masa de pranz mai deosebita.:)Pofta buna va doresc!

This is an improved recipe of what I used to do before(chicken barbecue, bacon and grated cheese). It has a special flavor and it cand be done quickly, if we exclude the time we wait. Perfect for a special lunch!:)


-1/2 ceasca mustar
-1/2 ceasca miere
-1/4 ceasca zeama lamaie
-3 piepti de pui dezosati,fara piele
-3 felii bacon
-cascaval ras

Ingredients :

-1/2 cup mustard
-1/2 cup honey
-1/4 cup lemon juice
-3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
-3 slices of bacon
-grated cheese

Incepem prin a face marinata. Intr-un vas mixam mustarul cu mierea si zeama de lamaie si sarea. Puteti adauga si piper,daca va place mai picant,sau fulgi de ardei iute. Apoi spalam pieptii si ii batem un pic  intre doua folii de plastic. Apoi adaugam puiul peste marinata si lasam la rece minim o ora.
We start by doing the marinade. In a bowl we mix the mustard, the honey and the lemon juice. You can also add some pepper, if you like it spicy, or some red pepper flakes.  Then we rinse the chicken breasts, we place them between two plastic foils and pound with a mallet. Then we add the chicken over the marinade and let in the fridge for at least an hour.
Apoi prajim baconul si pastram grasimea in tigaie. Cand puiul e gata il prajim pe ambele parti in grasimea de la bacon peste care am adaugat putin ulei. Incalzim cuptorul la 200 C si dupa ce puiul e bine facut pe ambele parti il luam cu un cleste, il punem intr-o tava, punem cate o felie de bacon prajit peste fiecare piept de pui si presaram cascaval ras. Bagam la cuptor pentru inca 5 minute si servim cald. Un deliciu !
After that we fry the bacon and keep the fat in the pan. When the chicken is ready we fry it on both sides in the bacon fat mixed with some oil. We heat the oven to 200C and after the chicken is ready we take it with some tongs and put in a tray, add a slice of bacon on each chicken breast and then sprinkle some grated cheese. We put in the oven for another five minutes and serve warm. Delicious!

vineri, 15 martie 2013

Paste cu mazare si bacon/Pasta with peas and bacon

V-ati obisnuit deja sa gasiti aici retete usoare,asadar astazi continuam si mancam o portie gustoasa de paste. O reteta simpla in care paste+mazare+smantana+bacon=looove!:)

You are already used to find easy recipes here, so today we continue the series and eat some tasty pasta. A simple recipe in which pasta+peas+heavy cream+bacon=looove!:)

Incingem 100-150 grame de mazare din conserva intr-o tigaie(cat sa se evapore apa). Eu am adaugat si putina ceapa deshidratata(sunt mare fan).Cand apa s-a deshidratat adaugam 200 grame de smantana si amestecam bine,apoi adaugam bacon prajit si maruntit si amestecam inca putin. Mai potrivim de sare si piper si luam de pe foc. Servim cald !

We heat a pan and add 100-150 grams of canned peas until the water evaporates. I also added some dehydrated onion, because I’m a big fan. When the water is evaporated we add 200 grams of heavy cream and stir well, then add some crispy bacon and stir a little longer. We add salt and pepper and take away from fire. We serve warm!


miercuri, 13 martie 2013

Gogosi cu quark/Quark balls

Am gustat gogoselele astea pentru prima data de curand,cand am fost in Germania.Mi-au placut atat de mult,incat le-am notat denumirea si cand am ajuns acasa nu m-am lasat pana nu le-am gasit reteta si nu le-am executat.:) Nu pot sa va spun decat ca sunt absolut delicioase,si daca nu ma aveti decat sa le incercati!:)
Cateva informatii despre quark.
I tasted these delicious quark balls not long ago, when I have been to a trip to Germany. It was love at first bite, so I wrote down their name and when I got home I searched their recipe and then fried some.:) All I can say is that their are absolutely delicious and if you don't believe me...try the recipe!:)


-2 oua
-40 grame zahar
-500 grame Quark
-20 grame unt topit
-266 grame faina
-67 grame amidon porumb sau cartof
-4 lingurite praf de copt

Ingredients :

-2 eggs
-40 grams zahar
-500 grams quark
-20 grams melted butter
-266 grams flour
-67 grams starch, corn or potato
-4 teaspoons baking powder
Batem spuma ouale cu zaharul, adaugam untul topit si branza quark, gradat, si amestecam pana devine omogen. In alt vas amestecam ingredientele uscate si le adaugam amestecului cu quark.
Beat eggs with sugar until foamy, add melted butter and quark cheese in portions and mix until smooth. In another bowl mix the dry ingredients and add to the quark mixture.
Incingem friteuza sau o tigaie cu mult ulei la 190 °C.
Folosind ustensila pentru inghetata formam bile carora le dam drumul in uleiul incins, fara sa aglomeram tigaia.Prajim pana devin aurii,aproximativ 7 minute.
Preheat deep-fat fryer or a pan with a lot of oil to 190 °C.Using an ice-cream scoop slide the balls into the hot oil, making sure not to crowd the pan.Fry until golden brown, about 7 minutes.
Le luam folosind clesti si le scurgem pe un prosop de hartie.Le pudram cu zahar.
Remove doughnuts using tongs and drain on paper towels.Serve with icing sugar.

luni, 11 martie 2013

Thank you,thank you,far too kind!

Gratiedatoritamultumita Georgianei de astazi puteti sa si printati retetele sau sa le salvati in format pdf in calculatorul propriu si personal!Buni prietenii astia,buni!:)Multumeesc!!:*

Thanks to my friend Georgiana starting today you can also print or save in pdf format my recipes!:)

duminică, 10 martie 2013


Ar fi incorect sa numesc mai mult de atat ceea ce urmeaza,dat fiind ca atunci cand spui ca faci mancare se presupune ca depui un efort minim,iar pentru Un,dos,tres e nevoie doar sa arunci 3 chestii pe foc si sa amesteci putin. Asadar,nu gatesti,dar mananci,si inca bine de tot.:) Un,dos,tres, toata lumea!:)

It wouldn't be fair to call it more than that, considering that when you say you're cooking you're suppose to make an effort, and for Un,dos,tres all you need to do is to throw 3 things on the fire and stir a little. So, you won't cook, but you'll get to eat, and even well.:) Un,dos,tres, everybody!:)

Nimic mai usor de facut decat aceasta ii zicem cu specific mexican, datorita amestecului cu acelasi nume..:)) Punem 350 grame de carne tocata-eu am avut amestec de porc si vita- intr-o tigaie in care am incins putin ulei si amestecam pana ce carnea e gata. Adaugam 2-3 catei de usturoi pisat si suc de rosii(eu am pus facut in casa) cam un pahar.Potrivim de sare si piper.  
Nothing less difficult than this… let’s call it Mexican recipe, because of the mix with the same name.:)) We heat some oil in a pan and add 350 grams of minced meat-I had pork and beef-and we stir until the meat is done. We add 2-3 cloves of crushed garlic and about a glass of tomato juice. We add salt and pepper.

Lasam pana ce scade sosul,amestecand din cand in cand,apoi adaugam un borcan sau o conserva de legume mexicane.Amestecam si mai lasam pe foc 4-5 minute si apoi oprim.

We let simmer until the juice reduces, stirring once in a while, then add a jar or a can of Mexican vegetables. We stir and let simmer for another 4 or 5 minutes and then remove from fire.

Daca va place,adaugati si putina sos iute-Tabasco sau ce altceva preferati. Rapid si bun !

If you like it, you can add a little Tabasco or whatever else you prefer. Quick and tasty!