miercuri, 13 februarie 2013

Madlene lamaie/Lemon Madeleines

Despre madlenele astea as spune ca sunt cele mai bune din lume,insa pentru ca (inca) nu le-am incercat pe toate nu ma risc si o sa le declar printre cele mai bune. Ramane sa revin cu amanunte dupa ce termin de gustat toate madlenele din lume.:) Pana atunci, incercati musai minunatiile, o sa imi multumiti!
Nota: Daca nu aveti forme de madlene, puteti folosi alte forme,de exemplu pe cele de briose, insa puneti doar cate o lingura de compozitie,nu le umpleti.

About these madeleines I would say that they are the best in the whole wide world, but because I didn't just yet tested them all, I won't take the risk and declare them among the best. I will be back with further details as soon as I finish tasting all the  madeleines in the universe.:) Until then, try these beauties, you will thank me!
Note: If you don't have madeleines molds, you cand use other pans, the muffins ones, for example, but don't fill them, just pour a tablespoon of batter.

-2 oua
-1 galbenus de ou
-120 grame faina
-100 grame zahar
-100 grame unt nesarat
-o jumatate de lingurita de drojdie uscata
-razatura de la jumatate de lamaie

Ingredients :
-2 eggs
-1 egg yolk
-120 grams (4,23 oz) flour
-100 grams (3,52 oz) sugar
-100 grams (3,52 oz) unsalted butter
-half teaspoon dry yeast
-lemon zest from half of a lemon
Amestecam,cu telul, ouale cu galbenusul si cu zaharul. Adaugam razatura de lamaie. Amestecam. Adaugam drojdia, apoi faina in 3 transe amestecand bine dupa fiecare. Topim untul la microunde sau la bain marie. Il adaugam si omogenizam. Lasam compozitia sa se odihneasca la rece cel putin 2 ore.
We whisk the eggs, the yolk and the sugar. We add the lemon zest. We stir. We add the yeast, then the flour in 3 rounds, stirring well after each one. We melt the butter in the microwaves or bain marie. We add it to the batter and we stir well. We let in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Umplem formele de madeleine lasand o margine de 1 cm. Bagam la cuptorul incins la 190C pentru 13 minute sau pana ce marginile devin aurii.
We fill the madeleine pans but only ¾. We put in the oven heated at 190 C for 13 minutes or until the edges become golden brown .


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