This is the recipe that I use every time we want to eat fluffy American pancakes. They are a hit every time, and we tried them with so many combinations that I cannot remember..:)) I advise you to be careful, they can be addictive!:)
-400 grame faina
-500 ml lapte
-4 oua
-3 lingurite rase praf de copt
-1/2 lingurita rasa bicarbonat de sodiu
-1 varf sare
-5 linguri zahar
-1 zahar vanilat
-6 linguri ulei
Ingredients :
-400 grams flour
-500 ml milk
-4 eggs
-3 teaspoons baking
-1/2 teaspoon sodium
-1 pinch salt
-5 tablespoons sugar
-1 sachet vanilla
-6 tablespoons oil
Amesteca faina, praful de copt, zahar si le
dam prin sita. Separam albusurile de galbenusuri. Albusurile le mixam bat,iar
galbenusurile si un varf de sare le mixam pana se albesc(3 minute) amestecam
laptele cu uleiul si adaugam galbenusurilor. Adaugam mixul de lapte si
galbenusuri peste faina, amestecand bine, apoi adaugam si albusurile spuma,
amestecand de jos in sus, usor. Ungem o tigaie cu unt, apoi stergem untul cu un
servetel. Turnam cu polonicul compozitie,iar cand face bule intoarcem pe partea
cealalta. Eu clatitele le fac mereu la foc mediu spre mic, sa nu se arda. Sunt
bune calde,reci,servite cu gem,ciocolata, crema de lapte,
frisca,miere,nuci,alune sau orice va mai trece prin cap !:) Pofta
buna !
We sift the flour, the
baking soda and the sugar. We separate
the eggs. We beat the egg whites until they form peaks and mix the yolks with a
pinch of salt for about 3 minutes, until the mixture gets white. We mix the
milk and the oil and add the mixture to the yolks. We stir and then pour the
batter over the flour stirring gently with a spatula. We add the egg whites
also and continue stirring gently. We butter a pan and then remove the butter
with a napkin. We pour the batter with a ladle, and when it starts bubbling we
flip. I always cook them in medium to low heat. Wonderful! J