You are already used to find easy recipes here, so today we continue the series and eat some tasty pasta. A simple recipe in which pasta+peas+heavy cream+bacon=looove!:)
Incingem 100-150 grame de mazare din conserva
intr-o tigaie(cat sa se evapore apa). Eu am adaugat si putina ceapa
deshidratata(sunt mare fan).Cand apa s-a deshidratat adaugam 200 grame de
smantana si amestecam bine,apoi adaugam bacon prajit si maruntit si amestecam
inca putin. Mai potrivim de sare si piper si luam de pe foc. Servim cald !
We heat a pan and add
100-150 grams of canned peas until the water evaporates. I also added some
dehydrated onion, because I’m a big fan. When the water is evaporated we add
200 grams of heavy cream and stir well, then add some crispy bacon and stir a
little longer. We add salt and pepper and take away from fire. We serve warm!