This is how this recipe is called on my sheet of paper,so this should be its name.:)) It's my grandma's recipe, who cooks divine and from whom I took many recipes. And even if I followed them word by word, I never even got close to the taste of her food.She cooks perfectly and that's it. I still have to learn.:) But this cake is good and easy to make, so I strongly recommend it to you. It is something that I bake when guests are about to come in a couple of hours and I don't have time or ingredients for something more complicated. This is what happened last time I made it, and that explains the pictures made in a hurry and without much light..:D
-5 oua
-1 ½ cana zahar
-1 ½ cana faina
-1/2 cana ulei
-esenta rom
-2-3 pachetele zahar
-5 eggs
-1 ½ cup sugar
-1 ½ cup flour
-1/2 cup vegetable oil
-rum extract
-2-3 sachets vanilla sugar
ouale. Albusurile le batem cu zaharul, galbenusurile cu uleiul. We separate the eggs. We beat the egg whites with the sugar, the yolks with the oil.
Cand albusurile sunt tari, se adauga esenta de
rom si zaharul vanilat. Scoatem
2-3 linguri albus deoparte si amestecam cu 2 linguri cacao. Adaugam galbenusurile amestecate cu ulei la
albusuri si amestecam incet.
Adaugam faina treptat.
the egg whites reach stiff peaks, we add the rum extract and the vanilla sugar. We put
apart 2-3 tablespoons of this mixture and we mix them with 2 tablespoons of
cocoa. We add the yolks mixed with the oil to the egg whites and we stir
slowly. We gradually add the flour.
Ungem tava de chec cu ulei si o tapetam
cu faina. Punem jumatate de compozitie in tava, apoi amestecul de cacao (pe
care il invartim putin cu o furculita sau o scobitoare) si apoi cealalta
jumatate de compozitie. Introducem la cuptorul incins la foc mic spre mediu pentru aproximativ 45 de
minute. Pudram cu zahar pudra.
We oil the cake pan
and we sprinkle it with flour. We remove the excess. We put half of the mixture
in the pan, then add the cocoa mixture (which we blend a little with a fork or
a toothpick) and then the other half. We put in the low to medium heated oven for
approximately 45 minutes. We powder with confectioner sugar.