joi, 31 ianuarie 2013


Kourabies,sau kourabiedes, sunt biscuiti grecesti specifici Craciunului si Noului An. De sarbatori, fiecare familie de greci are pe masa acesti biscuiti gustosi, si fiecare are o reteta proprie,adaptata gusturilor proprii. Biscuitii au avantajul ca rezista mult timp daca sunt pastrati intr-o cutie inchisa ermetic,asa ca va puteti bucura de ei dimineata,la o cafea,chiar si dupa ce sarbatorile s-au terminat. Noi ne bucuram de ei tot anul,pentru ca cineva anume are o pasiune pentru ei si pentru muuulte alte retete grecesti,ce vor urma pe blog..:)

Kourabies, or kourabiedes, are Greek biscuits that are specific for Christmas and New Year. For holidays, every Greek family puts on its table these tasty biscuits, and each one has a recipe of its own, adapted to their very own taste. The biscuits have the advantage that they keep fresh if well stored in an ermetic box, so you can enjoy them in the morning, with a coffee, even after the holidays are over. We enjoy them all year long, because somebody in particular has a crush for them and for maany other Greek recipes, that will follow on this blog..:)

-4 cesti unt
-4 cesti zahar pudra
-2 galbenusuri
-2 lingurite esenta vanilie
-2 lingurite praf copt
-3 lingurite suc portocale sau brandy
-1 ceasca fulgi migdale
-12 cesti faina(aprox. 1 ½ kg)
-zahar pudra pentru deasupra
-apa de trandafiri

Ingredients :
-4 cups butter
-4 cups confectioner sugar
-2 egg yolks
-2 teaspoons vanilla extract
-2 teaspoons baking powder
-3 teaspoons orange juice or brandy
-1 cup almond flakes
-12 cups flour
-confectioner sugar for powdering
-rose water

Toate ingredientele trebuie sa fie la temperatura camerei. Intr-un vas amestecam untul si zaharul pudra pana la dizolvarea zaharului. Dizolvam praful de copt in sucul de portocale si il adaugam incet amestecului de unt, adaugand apoi galbenusurile, esenta de vanilie si migdalele. Adaugam faina treptat si framantam pana devine usor maleabil.
All ingredients must be at room temperature. In a bowl we mix the butter and the sugar until the sugar is dissolved.  We dissolve the baking powder in the orange juice and we add it to the mixture of butter, adding the yolks, the vanilla extract and the almonds. We gradually add the flour. We knead until it becomes easy to work with.
Incalzim cuptorul la 175C. Formam cu mana gramajoare de 5 cm diametru si 2 cm grosime si le asezam pe o tava acoperita cu foaie de copt unsa cu unt. Coacem 20 minute sau pana devin maronii. Cand corabioarele sunt la cuptor, asezam zahar pudra pe o farfurie. Cand sunt gata, le stropim cu apa de trandafiri si le dam prin zaharul pudra.
We heat the oven to 175C. We form with the hand small piles of 5 cm diameter and 2 cm thickness and we put them on a tray covered by buttered baking paper. We bake for 20 minutes or until they become brown. When the kourabies are in the oven, we sprinkle confectioner sugar on a plate. When they are ready, we water them with rose water and roll them in the sugar.

miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2013

Oua in chifla/Eggs in a roll

O idee rapida pentru un mic dejun gustos,aceste oua in chifla sunt delicioase si iti lasa timp(si loc) si de o cafea sau un fresh de portocale. Reteta e adaptata dupa Edith, eu i-am adaugat doar niste bacon,ca daca tot mancam bine...:)

A fast solution for a tasty breakfast, this eggs in a roll are delicious and let you time(and place0 for a coffee or an orange juice. The recipe is adapted after Edith, i just added some bacon, if we're into eating good ..:)

Ingrediente(pt. 2 portii):
-2 chifle
-2 oua
-4 felii bacon
-cascaval ras
-ceapa verde,patrunjel,etc

Ingredients(for 2 portions) :
-2 rolls
-2 eggs
-4 slices bacon
-grated cheese
-green onion, parsley,etc
Decupam capacul chiflelor si le scobim de miez ,avand grija sa ramana totusi  un perete solid. Ungem chiflele pe interior cu unt, apoi asezam baconul. Peste el spargem cu grija un ou,apoi presaram cascavalul ras si adaugam condimentele dorite. Punem la cuptorul incins pentru 20-25 minute. Servim cald !
We cut the roll’s cover and empty its core, taking care not to make it too thin, though. We butter the interior of the roll, then put the bacon. Over the bacon we carefully crack the egg, and then sprinkle the grated cheese and add the desired spices. We put in the heated oven for 20-25 minutes. We serve warm!

luni, 28 ianuarie 2013

Rulada de pui/Chicken roll

Rulada asta de pui e genul de mancare pe care o faci cand nu ai nici cea mai vaga idee ce ai putea gati si nici nu ai chef de ceva complicat. Dureaza putin, nu e deloc complicat si gustul e....dar va las sa descoperiti! :)

This chicken roll is the kid of food you make when you don't have any idea what you could cook and you're not in the mood for something complicated. It doesn't take much time, it's not at all complicated, and the taste is...but I'll let you discover by yourselves!:)

-un piept mare de pui taiat felii subtiri
-o ceapa taiata marunt
-1/2 conserva ciuperci taiate marunt(puteti folosi si proaspete)
-cascaval ras(150-200 grame)
-1/2 ardei taiat fasii
-8-10 felii bacon
-sare,piper,boia ardei

-a large chicken breast, cut into thin slices
-an onion, finely chopped
-1/2 can of mushrooms, chopped (You can use fresh ones, too)
-grated cheese (150-200 grams)
-1/2 pepper, cut into thin strips
-8-10 bacon slices
-salt, pepper, paprika
Incingem o tigaie si prajim ceapa pana devine translucida, apoi adaugam ciupercile si potrivim de sare. Cand sunt gata,dam deoparte. Intre timp,asezam feliile de piept de pui una langa alta, suprapunandu-le usor. Le asezonam cu sare,piper,boia.
We heat o pan and cook the onion until it becomes translucent, then add the mushrooms and some salt. When it’s ready, we set aside. Meanwhile, we put the chicken breast slices side by side, overlapping them. We season with salt, pepper, paprika.
Asezam amestecul de ceapa si ciuperci peste feliile de pui, apoi feliutele de ardei. Presaram cascaval din abundenta.
We put the onion mushrooms mix on the chicken, then the pepper strips. We sprinkle grated cheese on top.
Rulam feliile de pui si imbracam rulada in feliile de bacon asezate una langa alta.(daca doriti,va puteti ajuta de scobitori pentru a tine fixat). Bagam la cuptorul incins bine si lasam pana baconul devine crocant si puiul e gata(30-40 minute) . Dupa ce scoatem din cuptor feliem si servim cald.  Noi am servit cu un piure de cartofi cu morcov si un sos de branza cu ceapa verde. Pofta buna !
We roll the chicken breast slices and cover the roll with the bacon slices set side by side (if you want, you can use toothpicks to keep all together). We put in the heated oven until the bacon is crispy and the chicken is ready (30-40 minutes). After we take it out of the oven we slice it and serve it warm. We served it with a carrot potato puree and a cheese and green onion sauce.  Enjoy it!


sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2013

Tortilla con patatas

Am mancat acum ceva timp pentru prima oara si mi-a placut mult,asa ca am cautat reteta si am gasit-o la Edith ,asa ca m-am pus imediat pe treaba. Va invit si pe voi sa o incercati,e foarte gustoasa si usor de facut!

I ate this a while ago for the first time and I liked it a lot,so I searched it and found it at Edith 's, and I tried it immediately. i invite you to try it too, it's very tasty and easy to make!


2 cartofi medii
3 oua
o ceapa
1 catel de usturoi

sare, ulei

Ingredients :
2 medium potatoes
3 eggs
1 onion
1 garlic clove
salt, pepper
Dupa ce curatam cartofii,ii taiem cubulete mici. Ceapa si usturoiul le tocam fin si le punem la calit in mult ulei.Dupa ce se calesc ceapa si usturoiul adaugam cartofii si amestecam din cand in cand. Cartofii nu trebuie sa se prajeasca,doar sa se rumeneasca.
After peeling the potatoes, we cut them into small cubes. We chop the onion and the garlic and put fry them in a large amount of oil. After they are ready we add the potatoes and stir from time to time. The potatoes must not be cooked, but slightly brown.

Intre timp, batem ouale intr-un castron incapator.  Dupa ce sunt gata cartofii,scurgem uleiul din ei si ii adaugam peste oua. Amestecam. Ungem tigaia cu putin ulei, il incingem,si apoi turnam amestecul. Lasam la foc mic. Dupa ce e gata intr-o parte, luam de pe foc,punem o farfurie intinsa peste, rasturnam, apoi asezam tortilla la loc in tigaie pe partea neprajita inca. Dupa ce e gata, luam de pe foc si servim simpla(sau cu cascaval deasupra). Bun-bun !
Meanwhile, we beat the eggs in a large bowl. After the potatoes are ready, we drain the oil and add them to eggs. We stir. We oil the pan, heat it, and then pour the mix.  We reduce the heat. After one side is done, we take off the heat, we place a large plate on it, we overturn it, and then place it on the pan on the raw side. When it’s ready, we take off the heat and serve it simple (or with grated cheese on it). Yummy!

joi, 24 ianuarie 2013

Quiche Lorraine

Quiche lorraine este o tarta sarata ce contine bacon taiat marunt(sau lardon). Este o reteta traditionala frantuzeasca, consumata cel mai adesea calda,ca antreu,insa poate tine loc si de pranz. Oricand ati consuma-o,este delicioasa si va va incanta la maxim!

Quiche lorraine is a salty tart with chopped bacon(or lardons). It is a traditional French recipe, often eaten warm, as an appetizer,but it can be also eaten as lunch. Anytime you choose to eat it, it will be delicious and it will delight you for sure!

-1 foaie aluat
-3 oua intregi
-300 ml smantana dulce
-250 ml lapte
-300 grame bacon taiat marunt
-150 grame cascaval ras(Emmental)
-sare, piper, nucsoara

Ingredients :
-1 puff pastry
-3 eggs
-300 ml creme fraiche
-250 ml milk
-300 grams bacon (cut in small pieces)
-150 grams grated cheese(Emmental)

Incalziti cuptorul la 250C pentru 10 minute. In forma de tarta asezati aluatul scos in prealabil din frigider cu jumatate ora inainte. Intepati cu o furculita aluatul pentru a nu se umfla. Bagati la cuptor pentru 10 minute,pana ce aluatul devine auriu.
Scoateti aluatul din cuptor si lasati-l sa se raceasca.

Heat the oven at 250C for 10 minutes.Put the pastry puff (take it out of the fridge half an hour ahead) in the tart form and stick it with a fork several times. Put in the oven for 10 minutes,until golden brown.
Take it out of th oven and let cool.

Prajiti bucatile de bacon si scurgeti-le de grasime.Intr-un vas amestecati ouale cu smantana.Adaugati si laptele amestecand incontinuu. Adaugati sare,piper si nucsoara dupa gust.
Cook the bacon and drain the fat. In a bowl mix the eggs with the crème fraiche. Add the milk continuing stirring. Add salt,pepper and nutmeg.
Imprastiati baconul peste aluat si varsati deasupra amestecul lichid. Presarati deasupra cascavalul ras.
Bagati la cuptorul incalzit la 250C aproximativ 30 minute. Daca dupa 25 de minute faceti testul scobitorii si aceasta iese curata,puteti scoate din cuptor.
Spread the bacon oven the dough and pour the mixture. Sprinkle the grated cheese.
Put in the oven heated at 250C for approx. 30 minutes. If after 25 minutes it passes the toothpick test (the toothpick is clean after putting it into the quiche) it means it is ready and you can put it out of the oven.

Pofta buna va doresc!

luni, 21 ianuarie 2013

Carrot cake

Nu pot sa inaugurez oficial blogul decat cu ceva delicios,desigur!:) Si ce poate fi mai delicios decat un carrot cake plin de gust, proaspat si aromat? Va poftesc,asadar,la o felie virtuala dintr-un tort minunat,si astept acelasi lucru din partea voastra dupa ce faceti reteta!;)

I cannot officially inaugurate my blog other than with something delicious,of course!:) And what can be more delicious than a tasteful, fresh, flavory carrot cake? So I invite you to a virtual slice of this wonderful cake, and I'm expecting you to do the same after cooking this recipe,ok?:)

Ingrediente: (cu mentiunea ca o ceasca are 165 grame sau 250 ml)
2 cesti zahar
1 ½ cesti ulei
4 oua proaspete
2 cesti faina
2 lingurite praf copt
1 lingurita sare
2 lingurite scortisoara
3 cesti morcov ras
100-120 grame nuci tocate
Crema :
700 grame zahar pudra
350 grame crema de branza la temperatura camerei
1 lingura esenta vanilie
60 grame margarina la temperatura camerei

Ingredients :
2 cups granulated sugar
1 ½ cups vegetable oil
4 fresh whole eggs
2 cups pastry flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
3 cups raw finely ground carrots
4 ounces finely chopped walnuts
Frosting ingredients:
1 ½ pounds powdered sugar
12 ounces room temperature cream cheese
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 ounces room temperature margarine

Incalzim cuptorul la 150C. Intr-un vas mare amestecam zahar, ulei, oua. In altul cernem impreuna faina, praful de copt, sarea si scortisoara. Adaugam ingredientele uscate in amestecul lichid si amestecam bine. Adaugam morcovii, nucile tocate si amestecam pana se omogenizeaza. Impartim compozitia in doua parti egale si coacem in forme unse cu unt, in cuptorul incins,pentru 50-60 minute. Racim in forme.

Preheat oven to 300F (150C). In a mixing bowl we mix sugar, oil, eggs. In another one we sift together flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. Fold dry ingredients into wet mixture and blend well. Fold in carrots, chopped walnuts until blended. Distribute batter evenly into 2 cake layer pans, which have been generously greased. Place in preheated oven for 50-60 minutes. Cool in pans.

 Crema o facem astfel : amestecam intr-un vas zaharul pudra, crema de branza, margarina si vanilia.
For the cream: we mix together in a bowl the powdered sugar, the cream cheese, the margarine and the vanilla.

Ansamblam astfel: primul blat de tort, crema de branza,apoi al doilea strat pe care il acoperim uniform cu restul de compozitie.
Lasam la rece cateva ore si..savuram !:)

We set the cake like this: first we put the first layer,then a part of the frosting, then the second layer and we cover everything with the rest of the frosting.
We put in the fridge for a few hours and..enjoy! J