Evident ca exista si o reteta mai complexa,cu drojdie,cu timp mai mare de asteptare,insa daca va grabiti foarte tare si vreti ceva bun bun repede alaturi de mancarea voastra,iata o sugestie!:)
This is not exactly a recipe,as it only has 2-3 ingredients and it's ready in no time,but well..it goes well warm,with food,butter or simple..delicious!
Practic tot ce trebuie sa facem este sa punem o cantitate de faina(eu am folosit integrala) intr-un bol, apoi putina sare,si sa adaugam apa calduta pana obtinem un aluat cu care sa lucram usor.Eu am mai adaugat si 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline,sa fie mai elastic. Apoi formam turtitele, ca niste chiftelute mai mari,si le punem pe un grill sau o tigaie de teflon incinsa si gata!:)
All we have to do is to put some flour in a bowl(I used wholemeal) and some salt, and then add some warm water,untile we get a nice dough. I also added some olive oil,to get an elasic dough. Then we form our little pieces of flatbread, and put them on a grill,or on a heated pan,and that's it!:)