Insa tocmai datorita timpului de preparare mai lung e asa de buna carnea, frageda si gustoasa. Ingredientele sunt putine si simple asa ca va invit sa o incercati oricand va e pofta sa calatoriti culinar! :)
Today's dish is a Belgian beef stew, the non-beer version :). It's still delicious though, mainly because of the long preparation time, which allows the beef to tender.
-250 grame ceapa
-500 grame carne de vita
-250 grame rosii
-1 lingurita boia dulce
-1 lingurita marghiran(eu nu am pus)
-1/2 cub concentrat de carne dizolvat
intr-o cana de apa
-100 ml iaurt
Ingredients :
-250 grams onion
-500 grams beef
-250 grams tomatoes
-1 teaspoon sweet
-1 teaspoon marjoram (I
didn’t use)
-1/2 cube beef
bouillon cube dissolved in a cup of water
-100 ml yoghurt
Taiem ceapa rondele si o calim in unt intr-o cratita cu capac.
We slice the onion and fry it in the butter in a pan with a lid.
carnea taiata cubulete, potrivim de sare si piper. Cand carnea prinde culoare
adaugam rosiile curatate de samburi si taiate cubulete.
add the meat cut into cubes, we add salt and pepper. When the meat is colored
we add the diced tomatoes without seeds.
Adaugam boiaua si marghiranul,apoi supa. Lasam sa fiarba la foc mic aproximativ doua
ore,cu capacul pus. Amestecam din cand in cand. Daca ramane fara lichid,mai
adaugam putina apa. Cand carnea e bine facuta, adaugam iaurtul si amestecam. Presaram si patrunjelul tocat. Servim cu paste, orez sau cartofi prajiti.
Pofta buuuna !
We add the paprika and
the marjoram, then the stock. We let simmer to low heat for approximately 2
hours, with the lid on. We stir from time to time. If it remains without
liquid, we may add some water. When the meat is done, we add the yoghurt and
stir. We sprinkle parsley. We serve with pasta, rice or fries. Bon appétit!