I'm presenting you today the second type of mucenici, the Moldavian ones. I couldn't decide which one of them I like best...maybe for it will be easier..:))
Ingrediente aluat:
-550 grame faina
-1 plic drojdie uscata
-125 ml lapte caldut
-125 ml apa calduta
-150 grame zahar tos
-1 ou
-80 grame unt
-1 lingurita rasa sare
Ingredients dough:
-550 grams flour
-1 sachet dry yeast
-125 ml warm milk
-125 ml warm water
-150 grams sugar
-1 egg
-80 grams butter
-1 teaspoon salt
Punem la masina de facut paine laptele,
apa,untul topit, oul, zaharul tos, drojdia uscata, faina si sarea. Ea stie ce
are de facut,programul dureaza 1h30. Daca nu avem masina de paine, muncim putin
si intr-un bol punem faina, sarea, drojdia uscata si zaharul. Adaugam oul,
untul, laptele si apa si framantam cam 25- 30 de minute pana se formeaza un
aluat elastic si nelipicios. Apoi il lasam sa creasca cam 1 ora intr-un bol
acoperit cu prosop. Cand e gata, punem aluatul pe masa infainata si formam
16-20 bile egale(eu am facut 16) pe care le formam ca in imagini. Punem
mucenicii pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si ii lasam la crescut o ora la
caldura. Nu faceti ca mine si lasati loc mai mult intre ei,eu i-am cam
inghesuit pentru ca ma grabeam si atunci cand au crescut mi s-au lipit. Vor
creste destul de mult,asa ca asigurati-va ca au spatiu suficient.
We put in the bread maker the milk, the
water, the melted butter, the egg, the sugar, the dry yeast, the flour and the
salt. It will know what to do, this usually takes about an hour and a half. If
we don’t have a bread machine, we’ll have to work a little harder and to put
the flour, the salt, the sugar and the yeast in a bowl. Then we add the egg,
the butter, the milk and the water and knead for about 25-30 minutes until we
get smooth elastic dough. We let it rise for about an hour in a bowl, covered
by a towel. When it’s ready, we put the dough on the floured table and break it
in 16-20 balls (I made 16) which we form as indicated in the pictures. We put
the mucenici on a tray with baking paper and let them rise for another hour in
a warm place. Don’t do as I did and let more space between them, I kind of
cramped them because I was in a hurry and when they rose they “glued”. They
will rise pretty much, so be sure they have enough space.
Dupa ce au dospit ii ungem cu un amestec de 50
ml lapte si 1 galbenus si ii bagam la cuptorul incins pentru aproximativ 20 de
minute,pana se rumenesc.
Intre timp macinam nuca si separat pregatim
siropul din 300 ml apa, 150 grame zahar, 1 zahar vanilat si esenta de rom,pe
care le lasam sa fiarba pana scad si se ingroasa putin. Dam deoparte siropul si
cand se raceste adaugam coaja rasa de la o lamaie.
Insiropam mucenicii, ii ungem cu miere si
presaram deasupra nuca macinata. Buuuuni !!
After an hour we anoint them with a mixture of
50 ml milk and a yolk and we put them in the heated oven for 2o minutes until
they become golden brown.
In the meantime we crush some walnuts and
separately prepare the syrup from 300 ml water, 150 grams sugar, 1 vanilla
sugar and rum extract, which we let boil until they reduce and thicken a
little. We set aside and let cool and then add the lemon zest from a lemon.
We pour the syrup on the mucenici, we
anoint them with honey and sprinkle the crushed walnuts. Yummmy!!