sâmbătă, 16 februarie 2013

Piept de pui la cuptor si cartofi cu rozmarin/Chicken breast in the oven and rosemary potatoes

Titlul reprezinta si reteta.:)) Mai multe ce sa va zic? Doar ca,asa cum v-ati dat seama deja, aceasta reprezinta o alta reteta lenesa de weekend, care sa nu ne ocupe timp dar sa ne satisfaca pofta.:) Pofta...buna!

The title actually represents the recipe.:))What can I say more? Only that,as you have already seen,this represents another lazy weekend recipe, that shouldn't take much of our time but still satisfy our hunger.

-piept de pui

Ingredients :
-chicken breast

Taiem cartofii in 4 si ii asezam in tava. Ii condimentam cu rozmarin si sare.  Pieptul de pui il frecam cu boia de ardei si sare si apoi il impanam cu usturoi(facem mici gaurele cu ajutorul cutitului si introducem bucati de usturoi), apoi il stropim cu ulei-cateva lingur-i si apa(eu pun mai multa apa si mai putin ulei) si mai adaugam condimente dupa gust. Eu am mai pus rozmarin si patrunjel uscat.Bagam la cuptorul incins pentru 20-30 minute,pana introducem o furculita si sunt gata. Feliem si servim cald. Noi am servit cu un sos de rozmarin si portocale.Pofta buna !

We cut the potatoes in 4 and put them in the tray. We sprinkle rosemary and salt. We rub the chicken breast with salt and paprika and then we stuff it with garlic (we make little holes with the help of the knife and put pieces of garlic in each of them) then we drizzle with oil- few tablespoons- and water (I use more water and less oil) and add some more spices. I used rosemary and dried parsley. We put in the heated oven for 20-30 minutes until we introduce a fork in them and they are ready. We slice the chicken and serve warm. We served it with a rosemary and orange sauce. Enjoy!