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luni, 29 aprilie 2013
Chec cu glazura de lamaie/Lemon glazed cake
Intr-adevar, e posibil sa am ceva cu aroma de lamaie..:)) O cam iubesc,si cred ca nici eu nu ii sunt indiferenta.:)) Asa ca acum ceva timp,dupa ce am facut biscuitii cu unt si lamaie si mi-a mai ramas glazurica, am zis ca ar fi o idee sa nu o risipesc..:) Asa ca am facut checul asta delicios! Bun,bun,bun si bun!
Glazura de lamaie
-2 oua
-1 pahar zahar
-1/2 pahar iaurt/lapte batut
-100 grame unt sau margarina
-1/2 pliculet praf de copt
-esenta vanilie
-1 pahar faina
Glazura de lamaie
Ingredients :
-2 eggs
-1 cup sugar
-1/2 cup
-100 grams
-1/2 sachet baking
-vanilla extract
-1 cup flour
Topim untul/margarina la foc mic si il
racim putin. Intr-un bol mai mare batem
ouale cu zaharul. Adaugam iaurtul, apoi amestecam. Adaugam untul topit, vanilia,amestecam.
Praful de copt il cernem impreuna cu faina si adaugam treptat amestecului.
Compozitia trebuie sa arate ca o smantana fluida. Punem in forma unsa cu unt si
tapetata cu hartie de copt si bagam la cuptorul incins la mediu. E
gata cand trece testul scobitorii(in functie de cuptor). Cand s-a racit glazuram.
Bagam la rece minim o ora apoi feliem. Suuper bun!
We melt the butter to
low and let cool. In a large bowl we beat the eggs with the sugar. We add the
yoghurt, and then stir. We add the melted butter, the vanilla, we mix. We sift
the baking powder with the flour and gradually add to the mixture. The batter
should look like a fluid heavy cream. We pour into the greased pan with paper baking
and put in the medium hated oven until it’s golden brown (it has to pass the
toothpick test). When cooled, we pour the glaze. We let cool in the fridge for
an hour then slice. Veery good!
sâmbătă, 27 aprilie 2013
Pizza cu spanac si mozzarella/Spinach and mozzarella pizza
Mi-am dat seama ca nu am postat retete de pizza inca,desi pot sa spun ca foarte des,de cand am descoperit o mega pizzerie de neegalat:)), dar cu regularitate. Astazi va propun o reteta gustoasa, cu spanac si mozzarella, sa zicem ca un piiic mai sanatoasa decat altele..:))
Sincer,data viitoare as adauga si niste feta,sa o faca mai sarata,ca mie imi place mai sarat(da,stiu,nu e bine..dar e mai gustos:D ) dar in rest nu am ce sa ii reprosez!:) Pofta buna sa aveti!
Today I'm posting this spinach mozzarella pizza recipe, because I realized that even though we eat home made pizza frequently, I didn't get to post any recipes yet. It's...let's say..a healthier version..thanks to the spinach..:) we can eat it without remorse. I would add some feta cheese next time though, because I like it saltier..:)
Sincer,data viitoare as adauga si niste feta,sa o faca mai sarata,ca mie imi place mai sarat(da,stiu,nu e bine..dar e mai gustos:D ) dar in rest nu am ce sa ii reprosez!:) Pofta buna sa aveti!
Today I'm posting this spinach mozzarella pizza recipe, because I realized that even though we eat home made pizza frequently, I didn't get to post any recipes yet. It's...let's say..a healthier version..thanks to the spinach..:) we can eat it without remorse. I would add some feta cheese next time though, because I like it saltier..:)
-500 grame faina
-1 cub drojdie(42 gr)
-1 lingurita zahar
-4 linguri ulei masline
-200 grame spanac fiert in apa cu sare 3
-50 grame masline(optional)
-200-300 grame mozzarella
-2 catei usturoi
-1 conserva rosii decojite(400 grame)
-1 lingurita oregano uscat
-500 grams flour
-1 cube fresh yeast (42
-1 teaspoon sugar
-4 tablespoon olive
-200 grams spinach,
boiled in salty water for 3 minutes
-50 grams olives
- 200-300 grams
-2 cloves garlic
-1 can peeled tomatoes
(400 grams)
-1 teaspoon dry
Asezam faina intr-un
castron si facem o gropita in mijloc. Frecam drojdia cu o lingurita de zahar si
o dizolvam in 100 ml apa calduta. Turnam amestecul in gropita, lasam sa dospeasca 15 minute acoperit.
Apoi adaugam uleiul de masline, 100 ml apa calduta si un praf de sare,amestecam
si framantam un aluat pe care il acoperim si il lasam sa creasca la caldura 45
de minute.
We sift the flour in a
large bowl and make a hole in the middle. We mix the yeast with a teaspoon of
sugar and 100 ml warm milk. We pour the mixture into the hole and let rise for
15 minutes covered. We then add the
olive oil, 100 ml warm milk and a pinch of salt, we mix and knead a dough that
we cover and let rise for 45 minutes.
Tocam spanacul. Taiem
maslinele felii, mozzarella la fel. Amestecam rosiile cu usturoiul tocat ,
oregano, sare si piper.
We cut the spinach,
the olives and the mozzarella. We mix the tomatoes with the minced garlic,
oregano, salt and pepper.
Incingem cuptorul la
200C. Ungem o tava. Mai framantam o data aluatul si intindem o foaie pe care o
asezam pe tava. Ungem cu sos de rosii si repartizam spanacul,mozzarella si
maslinele. Coacem 30 de minute.
We heat the oven to
200 C. We oil a pan. We knead again and we stretch it in the pan. We add the
tomato sauce and, the spinach, mozzarella and olives. We bake for 30 minutes.
miercuri, 24 aprilie 2013
Briose Panettone/Panettone muffins
Nu,nu e reteta "aceea" de panettone,cea originala,la care muncesti 3-4 zile si mananci tot in 5 minute.:D inca nu am timpul si rabdarea pentru aia.:) Insa e o reteta buna de briose incarcate cu bunatati,ce pot fi gatite si acum, ca se apropie Pastele.Sau Floriile.Sau pohta ce-am pohtit.
Tin sa precizez ca pe langa ce am scris mai jos am adaugat un pic de lapte cald(nu mai stiu cat) pentru ca nu mi se parea destul de elastic aluatul. Asa ca daca patiti la fel,va sfatuiesc sa faceti la fel.:)) In rest, bun,bun de tot!
Even though it's not the original Panettone recipe, it's still very good(and much quicker). It's full of flavors, it goes well with a glass of milk as well as with a cup of coffee,so why not give it a try?:)
I want to mention that I used more milk than I wrote, because the dough needed it.So don;t be afraid to adapt the quantities if the result is not as you would like to.
Tin sa precizez ca pe langa ce am scris mai jos am adaugat un pic de lapte cald(nu mai stiu cat) pentru ca nu mi se parea destul de elastic aluatul. Asa ca daca patiti la fel,va sfatuiesc sa faceti la fel.:)) In rest, bun,bun de tot!
Even though it's not the original Panettone recipe, it's still very good(and much quicker). It's full of flavors, it goes well with a glass of milk as well as with a cup of coffee,so why not give it a try?:)
I want to mention that I used more milk than I wrote, because the dough needed it.So don;t be afraid to adapt the quantities if the result is not as you would like to.
-350 grame faina
-10 grame drojdie proaspata
-80 grame zahar
-125 ml lapte
-1 ou
-30 grame unt
-1 plic zahar vanilat
-40 grame migdale macinate
-40 grame stafide
-60 grame rahat
-1 galbenus
-1 lingura zahar pudra
Ingredients :
-350 grams flour
-10 grams fresh yeast
-80 grams sugar
-125 ml milk
-1 egg
-30 grams butter
-1 sachet vanilla
-40 grams almonds,
-40 grams raisins
-60 grams Turkish
-1 yolk
-1 tablespoon powdered
Intr-un castron, punem
faina alba cernuta si in mijlocul ei punem drojdia faramitata impreuna cu 1
lingurita de zahar si cu 7-8 linguri de lapte caldut, amestecam cu putina faina
si lasam timp de 15 minute sa dospeasca. Framantam o
coca, adaugam restul de zahar, lapte, untul, oul si zaharul vanilat.Daca mai e
nevoie, mai adaugam lapte. Lasam iar sa dospeasca 30 de minute. Ungem formele
de briose(eu am folosit una mai mare) cu margarina si adaugam in coca
stafidele, migdalele si rahatul taiat cubulete. Punem coca in forme, insa
umplem doar 2/3. Lasam sa mai dospeasca 15 minute. Incalzim cuptorul la 180 de
grade. Ungem briosele cu galbenus si presaram zahar pudra, apoi bagam la cuptor
pentru 20-25 minute sau pana trec testul scobitorii.
Cand le scoatem din cuptor, mai pudram cu
zahar,daca dorim, sau cu ciocolata rasa.Sunt foarte bune caldute,cu un pahar de
In a small bowl, we
mix the yeast with a teaspoon of sugar and 7-8 tablespoons of warm milk. In a large
bowl, we sift the flour and make a little hole in the middle, in which we pour
the yeast mixture. We mix with some
flour and let 15 minutes to rise. We knead a dough, adding the rest of the
sugar, milk, butter, egg and vanilla sugar. If necessary, add some more milk. We
let rise for another 30 minutes. We butter the muffin pans(I used a big one). We
add the raisins, the almonds and the Turkish delight in the dough. We put the
dough in the pans, but only fill 2/3. We let rise for another 15 minutes. We heat
the oven to 180C. We brush the muffins with the yolk and sprinkle some powdered sugar on top, then
put in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until they pass the toothpick test.:)
When we take them out
of the oven we sprinkle some more powdered sugar, if we want, or we grate chocolate.
They are very good warm, with a glass
of milk.
marți, 23 aprilie 2013
Turtite de faina integrala/Wholemeal flour flatbread
Iar m-am gandit juma' de ora cum sa zic turtite in tot nu cred ca am nimerit-o la fix..:)) In sfarsit..pentru vorbitorii de limba romana: nu pot sa spun ca este o reteta, sunt 2 spre 3 ingrediente combinate care insa mie imi amintesc de copilarie, cand ne facea Bubu turtite calde si le mancam cu fasolica,salata,unt sau pur si simplu goale.
Evident ca exista si o reteta mai complexa,cu drojdie,cu timp mai mare de asteptare,insa daca va grabiti foarte tare si vreti ceva bun bun repede alaturi de mancarea voastra,iata o sugestie!:)
This is not exactly a recipe,as it only has 2-3 ingredients and it's ready in no time,but goes well warm,with food,butter or simple..delicious!
Evident ca exista si o reteta mai complexa,cu drojdie,cu timp mai mare de asteptare,insa daca va grabiti foarte tare si vreti ceva bun bun repede alaturi de mancarea voastra,iata o sugestie!:)
This is not exactly a recipe,as it only has 2-3 ingredients and it's ready in no time,but goes well warm,with food,butter or simple..delicious!
Practic tot ce trebuie sa facem este sa punem o cantitate de faina(eu am folosit integrala) intr-un bol, apoi putina sare,si sa adaugam apa calduta pana obtinem un aluat cu care sa lucram usor.Eu am mai adaugat si 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline,sa fie mai elastic. Apoi formam turtitele, ca niste chiftelute mai mari,si le punem pe un grill sau o tigaie de teflon incinsa si gata!:)
All we have to do is to put some flour in a bowl(I used wholemeal) and some salt, and then add some warm water,untile we get a nice dough. I also added some olive oil,to get an elasic dough. Then we form our little pieces of flatbread, and put them on a grill,or on a heated pan,and that's it!:)
luni, 22 aprilie 2013
Astazi continuam seria mancarurilor sanatoase,gustoase si de post!:) Nu stiu daca mi-a iesit mancarea la fel de bine ca personajului principal din filmul cu acelasi nume,dar ce a iesit ne-a multumit pe toti,de la mic la mare,si tinand cont ca se face imediat,va invit sa o incercati si voi! Eu langa ea am facut repede si niste turtite fierbinti,care s-au potrivit de mi-nu-ne! Va dau marea reteta maine!Mare si importanta,va trebuie doar apa si faina!;)
Today we're eating ratatouille, a very tasty and healthy food made of vegetables. I'm not sure if it's as good as it was when Ratatouille himself made it :D but well..I tried..:))
Today we're eating ratatouille, a very tasty and healthy food made of vegetables. I'm not sure if it's as good as it was when Ratatouille himself made it :D but well..I tried..:))
-5 rosii
-2 dovlecei
-2 cepe
-2 vinete
-1 ardei rosu
-1 ardei galben
-2 catei usturoi
-6 linguri ulei masline
-2 linguri bulion
-1 lingurita rozmarin
Ingredients :
-5 tomatoes
-2 zucchini
-2 onions
-2 eggplants
-1 red bell pepper
-1 yellow bell pepper
-2 cloves garlic
-6 tablespoons olive
-2 tablespoons tomatoes
-1 teaspoon rosemary
Spalam vinetele si le taiem cubulete. Taiem
ceapa solzisori. Spalam,curatam si taiem cubulete si celelalte legume(dovleceii
felii). Taiem usturoiul felii.
We wash, clean and
dice vegetables (we slice the zucchini and the garlic).
Incingem uleiul intr-o tigaie si prajim
toate legumele in afara de rosii. Dupa 5 minute adaugam usturoiul si
condimentele. Adaugam rosiile si bulionul. Potrivim de sare si piper. Lasam sa
fiarba acoperit, la foc mic, 15 minute.
Simplu, gustos si sanatos ! Pofta buna !
We heat the oil in a
pan and fry all the vegetables except for the tomatoes. After 5 minutes we add
the garlic and the spices. We add the tomatoes and the tomatoes concentrate. We
add salt and pepper. We let simmer , lid on, for 15 minutes. Simple, healthy
and tasty! Enjoy!
vineri, 19 aprilie 2013
Retete de la cititori/Recipes that you tried
Ta-daa! Prima poza cu o reteta incercata de cititori vine de la Ramona,care a incercat checul delicios al lui Bubu!Bravo,Ramona,felicitari,si mai asteptam si alte poze!:)(cozonac,poate?:D)
First picture comes from Ramona, one of this blog's readers, who tried Bubu's cake ,and sent us a picture! Congrats,Ramona,I'm waiting for your next picture!:)
First picture comes from Ramona, one of this blog's readers, who tried Bubu's cake ,and sent us a picture! Congrats,Ramona,I'm waiting for your next picture!:)
Si a doua reteta vine de la Rodica, cu acelasi chec bun-bun reteta Bubu.:) Felicitari si Rodicai mai multe!:)
The second recipe comes from Rodica, with the same cake! Congratulations and because I know you cook often,I'm waiting for the next ones!:)
Supa porra/Porra soup
Porra este o supa rece, mai groasa decat gaspacho, de origine spaniola. Este foaarte gustoasa, usor de facut,sanatoasa si poate fi adaptata si pentru cei ce tin post. Sa mai zic?:) A avut un succes rasunator la noi in casa, zile bune dupa ce se terminase ma mai intrebau baietii daca mai avem..:) Din cantitatea de ingrediente folosita de mine nu ies decat vreo 3 portii,asa ca daca vreti sa mancati mai mult,dublati! Pofta buna va doresc!
Porra soup is a Spanish cold soup, thicker than gaspacho.It's healthy and easy to make,as most of the recipes you cand find here.:) My boys loved it, they kept asking me about it days after it was over..:)) If you follow the exact recipe you will get about 3 portions,so if you want more,just double the quantity!
Porra soup is a Spanish cold soup, thicker than gaspacho.It's healthy and easy to make,as most of the recipes you cand find here.:) My boys loved it, they kept asking me about it days after it was over..:)) If you follow the exact recipe you will get about 3 portions,so if you want more,just double the quantity!
-2 rosii proaspete
-6 rosii uscate
-3 catei usturoi
-1 felie paine alba
-boia dulce, sare
-1/2 lamaie
-1 oua tare
-o cutie ton in suc natural
Ingredients :
-2 fresh tomatoes
-6 dry tomatoes
-3 cloves garlic
-1 slice white bread
-sweet paprika, salt
-1/2 lemon
-1 hardboiled egg
-a can tuna in its
natural juice
Pentru a decoji rosiile- fierbem apa intr-un
bol si scufundam rosiile crestate in cruce pentru 30 de secunde. Le scoatem, pe trecem prin jet de apa rece,le
curatam pielita. Apoi le taiem cubulete.
Punem la blender rosiile proaspete, pe cele
uscate, usturoiul, uleiul de masline, painea(fara coaja). Amestecam tot. Adaugam
condimentele dupa gust. Presam jumatatea de lamaie si adaugam si zeama
.Mixam iar.
To unpeel the fresh tomatoes
we boil some water and dip the tomatoes that we cut in cross for 30 seconds. We
remove them from the boiling water, we pour some cold water over and then unpeel
them easily. We dice them.
We put the fresh
tomatoes, the dry tomatoes, the garlic, the olive oil, the slice of bread (no
crust) in the blender. We mix. We add the spices, then the lemon juice. We blend
Pastram o ora la rece. Oul il zdrobim cu
furculita si presaram deasupra in momentul servirii. Adaugam si putin ton din
conserva. Un deliciu !
We keep in the fridge
for an hour. We crush the egg with the fork and sprinkle some in the moment of
serving. We also add some tuna from the can. Delicious!
joi, 18 aprilie 2013
Retete incercate de voi/Recipes that you tried
Am vazut asta pe alte bloguri culinare si mi-a placut ideea: daca v-a placut o reteta de pe blogul acesta si v-ati hotarat sa o incercati, ii faceti o poza(nu neaparat artistica,asa,cat sa se inteleaga despre ce e vorba :) )si mi-o trimiteti pe Mentionati numele vostru si pe cel al retetei.:) Eu voi face o rubrica special pentru asta si,cine stie,poate cei mai zelosi vor avea parte si de surprize..:)
Primele 3 persoane care imi scriu imi pot spune si ce reteta ar vrea sa vada pe blog,iar eu o sa o gatesc si o sa o postez aici! Pe curaaand!
So I was telling you about a surprise: from now on, if you cook something from my blog, you can take a picture of the final product and send it to me to . I will create a special section and post your pictures in it.And who knows, maybe there will be some rewards,too, for the ones who send me more pictures than the others.:) But until then, the first 3 people that send me an email with a picture and their name can tell me if there is a certain recipe they would like to see here,and I will cook it and post the recipe!Good luck!
Primele 3 persoane care imi scriu imi pot spune si ce reteta ar vrea sa vada pe blog,iar eu o sa o gatesc si o sa o postez aici! Pe curaaand!
So I was telling you about a surprise: from now on, if you cook something from my blog, you can take a picture of the final product and send it to me to . I will create a special section and post your pictures in it.And who knows, maybe there will be some rewards,too, for the ones who send me more pictures than the others.:) But until then, the first 3 people that send me an email with a picture and their name can tell me if there is a certain recipe they would like to see here,and I will cook it and post the recipe!Good luck!
marți, 16 aprilie 2013
Salata de quinoa si pui/Quinoa chicken salad
V-am spus ca am si retete sanatoase,nu? Poate nu ma credeati..:))
Incepem cu aceasta salata -foaarte proaspata datorita mentei, gustoasa datorita legumelor si sanatoasa datorita acestei pseudo-cereale miraculoase numita quinoa. Pentru cine nu stie prea multe despre ea, quinoa are o multime de calitati: se digera usor, nu are gluten, e saraca in lipide,dar bogata in fier,omega 3 si proteine.Si buna la gust, asemanandu-se un pic cu alunele. Si daca scoateti puiul din aceasta reteta ramane tot buna si poate fi folosita si in post! Ei, uite cum impuscam noi mai multi iepuri dintr-o lovitura! V-o recomand calduros,veti fi placut surprinsi!
Today I proudly present you a very healthy recipe, with vegetables and quinoa, easy to make and tasty too. For those of you who are not familiar with quinoa, it is a pseudocereal with an important nutritional value.It is actually considered a superfood,high in magnesium and iron, gluten free and an important source of calcium. And it also tastes good, nut-like!:)
Incepem cu aceasta salata -foaarte proaspata datorita mentei, gustoasa datorita legumelor si sanatoasa datorita acestei pseudo-cereale miraculoase numita quinoa. Pentru cine nu stie prea multe despre ea, quinoa are o multime de calitati: se digera usor, nu are gluten, e saraca in lipide,dar bogata in fier,omega 3 si proteine.Si buna la gust, asemanandu-se un pic cu alunele. Si daca scoateti puiul din aceasta reteta ramane tot buna si poate fi folosita si in post! Ei, uite cum impuscam noi mai multi iepuri dintr-o lovitura! V-o recomand calduros,veti fi placut surprinsi!
Today I proudly present you a very healthy recipe, with vegetables and quinoa, easy to make and tasty too. For those of you who are not familiar with quinoa, it is a pseudocereal with an important nutritional value.It is actually considered a superfood,high in magnesium and iron, gluten free and an important source of calcium. And it also tastes good, nut-like!:)
-175 grame quinoa
-1/4 castravete taiat cubulete
-1 ardei verde mic,taiat cubulete
-1 ceapa taiata
-sucul si razatura de la o lamaie
-2 linguri ulei masline
-1 lingura boia dulce
-1 piept pui taiat felii
-frunze de menta taiate mic
Ingredients :
-175 grams quinoa
-1/2 diced cucumber
-1 small green bell
pepper, diced
-1 diced onion
-juice and zest of one
-2 tablespoons olive
-1 tablespoon sweet
-1 chicken breast,
-mint leaves, cut into
a chiffonade
Marinata pui :
-3 linguri ulei masline
-1 lingura boia dulce
-sucul si razatura de la o lamaie
Chicken marinade:
-3 tablespoons olive
-1 tablespoon sweet
-juice and zest of a
Fierbem quinoa conform instructiunilor. Strecuram
de apa. Amestecam intr-un bol uleiul de masline, zeama de lamaie, boiaua,
razatura de lamaie , un pic de sare. Adaugam quinoa calda,amestecam si lasam sa
se raceasca. Apoi adaugam castravetele, ardeiul verde si ceapa.
Amestecam intr-un bol mic sucul si razatura
de lamaie, uleiul si boiaua , adaugam puiul si le amestecam. Incalzim un grill
sau o tigaie de teflon si frigem puiul pe fiecare parte pana devine auriu.
Adaugam menta in salata de quinoa si
garnisim cu puiul cald. Servim cald sau rece.
We cook quinoa
according to the instructions. We drain the water. In a bowl we mix the olive
oil, the juice and the zest of the lemon, the paprika, a pinch of salt. We add
warm quinoa, stir and let cool. Then we add the cucumber, the green pepper and
the onion.
In a small bowl we mix
the juice and the zest of a lemon, the olive oil and the paprika, we add the
chicken and stir. We heat a grill and fry the chicken on each side until golden
We add the mint into
the salad and garnish with the hot chicken. We serve warm or cold.
duminică, 14 aprilie 2013
Cozonac pufos
Hai ca incet-incet ne apropiem de Paste,asa ca o sa incerc sa pun cateva retete potrivite pentru masa incarcata pe care de abia o astept(am).:) Apropo, dupa reteta asta o sa urmeze doua retete mega sanatoase si de post(inca nu imi vine sa cred ca mai fac si din astea :)) ) asa ca cei ce tin post sa fie pe receptie! (mai ales prietena mea Mari, ei i le dedic,cu drag :) ). Dar pana acolo, astazi va propun o reteta de cozonac pe care am "mostenit-o" si eu la randul meu, si de care sunt foaarte multumita. e foarte foarte pufos, de gustos nu mai zic,si nu stiu, nu a apucat niciodata a doua zi, mititelul(ca eu fac doar cate unul), dar cred ca s-ar mentine destul de bine si in timp. Fara alte menajamente, doamnelor si domnilor, ta-daa!! (dupa ce o sa scriu si doua vorbe in engleza, si cam atat,ca deocamdata nu traduc reteta asta)
P.S. Scuze pentru poze,sunt mai uratele ca de obicei,insa sunt facute acum muult timp,si nu am mai avut timp sa le refac.Promit sa revin cu poze mai frumusele dupa Paste! :)
Because today's recipe is a Romanian traditional one, and because I don't know how many of you, the ones that are reading my blog, would be interested in this recipe, I won't post this today in English, but if anyone likes the pictures and would like to try it(it's delicious, btw :) ), just let me know and you'll have it in no time! :) Thank you! :*
P.S. Scuze pentru poze,sunt mai uratele ca de obicei,insa sunt facute acum muult timp,si nu am mai avut timp sa le refac.Promit sa revin cu poze mai frumusele dupa Paste! :)
Because today's recipe is a Romanian traditional one, and because I don't know how many of you, the ones that are reading my blog, would be interested in this recipe, I won't post this today in English, but if anyone likes the pictures and would like to try it(it's delicious, btw :) ), just let me know and you'll have it in no time! :) Thank you! :*
Ingrediente pentru 2 cozonaci:
-1 kg faina
-2 cuburi mai mari de drojdie
-4 oua
-1 cana zahar
-1/2 l lapte
-200 grame margarina
-50 grame margarina solida pentru uns
-2-3 linguri cacao
-esenta vanilie, rom,
stafide, rahat, nuca..etc
Intr-o parte a unui vas mai mare de plastic
se pune faina cernuta . Drojdia se freaca intr-un castron mic cu o lingurita de
zahar pana se lichefiaza si se amesteca usor
cu 150 ml lapte caldut. Se toarna acest amestec in marginea goala a
ligheanului si se amesteca impreuna cu putina faina din dreptul sau pana capata
consistenta unei smantani mai groase. Se lasa 15 minute sa creasca.
Intr-un alt vas se amesteca 4 galbenusuri
cu 4 lingurite rase de sare. Albusurile se bat spuma intr-un alt recipient.
Zaharul se amesteca impreuna cu 150 ml lapte caldut si se adauga si
esentele(rom,vanilie,ce preferam). Restul de lapte pana la ½ l se pastreaza
Dupa cele 15 minute turnam in ligheanul
mare si amestecul de lapte cu zahar si mirodenii si restul de lapte cald.
Punem la topit margarina si dupa ce se
topeste o racim usor. Ea se va adauga ultima in compozitie.
Incepem sa amestecam bine de tot toate
ingredientele(in afara de margarina), insa nu framantam mai mult de 10 minute.
Cand e gata adaugam si margarina. Lasam sa creasca aluatul aproximativ o ora
intr-un loc caldut(eu las langa calorifer :D ) Ungem tavile cu margarina.
Cand a crescut
impartim aluatul in 4 parti egale. Ungem masa cu ulei
si mainile la fel si intindem cu palmele un sfert de aluat(de o grosime de
aproximativ 5 cm). Presaram cu un amestec
facut dinainte din cacao si zahar
si adaugam stafide, rahat, nuca..dupa pofta. J
Rulam. Repetam operatiunea cu al doilea
sul. Le asezam in cruce si le impletim, apoi il punem in tava unsa. Facem la
fel pentru al doilea cozonac. Batem un ou si ungem cozonacii. Ii bagam in cuptorul incins. Dupa aproximativ
45 de minute facem testul scobitorii. Ii scoatem din
cuptor si asteptam sa se raceasca in forme, ii feliem dupa ce se racesc. Mniam
mniam,ce sa mai…
sâmbătă, 13 aprilie 2013
Carbonades de boeuf
Astazi va propun un fel de mancare traditional belgian, cu mentiunea ca e varianta relativ usoara,fara bere,ca am si minori mancaciosi in familie.:) Este o tocanita delicioasa de vita, care necesita un timp putin mai mare de preparare(mai mare fata de ce va prezint eu de obicei,ca am vazut si mai rau :)) )
Insa tocmai datorita timpului de preparare mai lung e asa de buna carnea, frageda si gustoasa. Ingredientele sunt putine si simple asa ca va invit sa o incercati oricand va e pofta sa calatoriti culinar! :)
Today's dish is a Belgian beef stew, the non-beer version :). It's still delicious though, mainly because of the long preparation time, which allows the beef to tender.
Taiem ceapa rondele si o calim in unt intr-o cratita cu capac.
We slice the onion and fry it in the butter in a pan with a lid.
Insa tocmai datorita timpului de preparare mai lung e asa de buna carnea, frageda si gustoasa. Ingredientele sunt putine si simple asa ca va invit sa o incercati oricand va e pofta sa calatoriti culinar! :)
Today's dish is a Belgian beef stew, the non-beer version :). It's still delicious though, mainly because of the long preparation time, which allows the beef to tender.
-250 grame ceapa
-500 grame carne de vita
-250 grame rosii
-1 lingurita boia dulce
-1 lingurita marghiran(eu nu am pus)
-1/2 cub concentrat de carne dizolvat
intr-o cana de apa
-100 ml iaurt
Ingredients :
-250 grams onion
-500 grams beef
-250 grams tomatoes
-1 teaspoon sweet
-1 teaspoon marjoram (I
didn’t use)
-1/2 cube beef
bouillon cube dissolved in a cup of water
-100 ml yoghurt
Taiem ceapa rondele si o calim in unt intr-o cratita cu capac.
We slice the onion and fry it in the butter in a pan with a lid.
carnea taiata cubulete, potrivim de sare si piper. Cand carnea prinde culoare
adaugam rosiile curatate de samburi si taiate cubulete.
add the meat cut into cubes, we add salt and pepper. When the meat is colored
we add the diced tomatoes without seeds.
Adaugam boiaua si marghiranul,apoi supa. Lasam sa fiarba la foc mic aproximativ doua
ore,cu capacul pus. Amestecam din cand in cand. Daca ramane fara lichid,mai
adaugam putina apa. Cand carnea e bine facuta, adaugam iaurtul si amestecam. Presaram si patrunjelul tocat. Servim cu paste, orez sau cartofi prajiti.
Pofta buuuna !
We add the paprika and
the marjoram, then the stock. We let simmer to low heat for approximately 2
hours, with the lid on. We stir from time to time. If it remains without
liquid, we may add some water. When the meat is done, we add the yoghurt and
stir. We sprinkle parsley. We serve with pasta, rice or fries. Bon appétit!