Creme brulee is, in my opinion, the smoother version of the flan. It's a delicate dessert, based on only a few ingredients, which today can be improved with several essences, orange zest, fruits,etc..It was the first time I made it, and that thanks to the fact that I bought the special burner that I was craving for-for unknown reasons.:))) So..everything came together and this is what followed!
-4 galbenusuri
-100 grame zahar(data viitoare voi pune mai
putin,mi s-a parut parut cam dulce)
-250 ml smantana dulce
-250 ml lapte rece
-esenta vanilie
-zahar brun
Ingredients :
-4 egg yolks
-100 grams sugar (next
time I will use less, it was a little too sweet for me)
-250 ml whipping cream
-250 ml cold milk
-vanilla essence
-brown sugar
Batem galbenusurile si adaugam progresiv
zaharul. Amestecam pana se albeste. Adaugam smantana dulce si laptele. Amestecam bine. Adaugam
cateva picaturi de esenta de vanilie.
the egg yolks and add the sugar progressively. Mix until it becomes white. Add
the whipping cream and the milk. Mix well. Add a few drops of the vanilla
Umplem formele. Punem la cuptorul incins la 100C. Lasam aproximativ o
ora. Crema va avea consistenta unei gelatine. Lasam sa se raceasca apoi bagam la
frigider pentru minim 2 ore.
Fill the ramekins. Put
in the oven heated at 100 C. Let for approx. 1 hour. It will look like a jelly.
Let cool then put in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Pentru a finaliza,inainte de a consuma, presaram
zaharul brun peste crema rece si avem
doua variante:
-fie folosim un arzator special pe care il
tinem cateva secunde deasupra pana se caramelizeaza zaharul
-fie mai bagam putin la cuptor aproape de
grill cateva secunde.
To finish, right before serving, sprinkle the
sugar on top and you have two choices:
-you either use a
special burner for a few seconds to caramelize the sugar
-or put in the oven
again-close to the grill-for a few seconds also.
Creme brulee se
serveste in mod ideal rece cu zaharul brun fierbinte.Savurare placuta !:)
Crème brulee is
ideally served cold with the hot caramelized sugar. Enjoy!
Si cu ceva mai mult zahar..:)