vineri, 16 noiembrie 2012

Muffins de vanilie umplute cu sos de kiwi/Vanilla muffins filled with kiwi sauce

Din seria dulciurilor care se fac foarte usor, nu necesita multe ingrediente si sunt delicioase,astazi va prezint aceste briose pufoase pentru care nu e nevoie de mult timp. Nici pentru a le face,nici pentru a le manca.:))

From the series of desserts that are easy to make, don't need many ingredients and are delicious,today  I present you these fluffy muffins that don't take a lot of time. For baking or eating.:))

-1 ceasca zahar
-1 ou batut
-2 cesti faina
-2 lingurite praf copt
-1 ceasca lapte
-1/4 ceasca unt topit
-2 ½ lingurite esenta vanilie

Ingredients :
-1 cup sugar
-1 egg beaten
-2 cups flour
-2 teaspoons baking powder
-1 cup milk
-1/4 cup melted butter
-2 ½ teaspoons vanilla

Amestecam bine zaharul si oul. Amestecam separat faina si praful de copt. Le adaugam amestecului de zahar si ou, alternand cu laptele, incepand si terminand cu faina. Amestecam temeinic dupa fiecare adaos de faina si ou. La sfarsit adaugam vanilia si untul topit.Omogenizam.
Combine sugar and egg, beat well. Combine flour and baking powder. Add to sugar and egg mixture alternately with the milk, beginning and ending with the flour mixture, beating well after each addition. Stir in butter and vanilla.
Umplem formele de briose unse cu unt sau folosind hartii de briose,insa numai 2/3. Le bagam la cuptorul incalzit la 200C pentru 15-20 minute.
Fill the muffins pans buttered or using muffin baking cups, but only 2/3. Put them in the oven and bake at 200c for 15-20 minutes.
Dupa ce le-am scos de la cuptor si le-am racit,eu le-am taiat un capacel si le-am umplut su sos de kiwi,apoi am pus capacul la loc si l-am mascat cu sos de ciocolata. Voi le puteti  lasa asa sau umple cu orice fel de gem/dulceata va place,sau chiar cu nutella. Sunt delicioase si se pot pastra cateva zile intr-un recipient metalic inchis etans.S-aveti pofta !
After I took them out of the oven I cut a little lid and filled with kiwi sauce, then put the lid back and masked with chocolate sauce. You can let them just the way they are or fill them with any kind of jam you like or even with nutella. They are delicious and can be kept a few days in a metallic recipient. Enjoy!